• Fraction Nation Management Program - SAM 

    Grades 6-8 

    You must have students enrolled in a Math class in Pinnacle Gradebook to have access to student information. The SAM management program is also used for Fastt Math.

    Important Note - Student and class information is uploaded to SAM from Pinnacle each night. If a new student is enrolled in your class, it will take at least 24 hours before his/her name will appear in the program. This is the only way students can be added to the program.

    Teacher Login

    1. From the Math folder in PISD Apps, click on the Fastt Math SAM Secondary icon. Fraction Nation is accessible within this program.

    fastt math sam secondary

    2. Click on the dog icon to get to the login screen. At the SAM login screen, enter your PISD username and password.

    SAM login screen

    3. You must select which of your students need access to this program in order for them to sign in and use it. To find your students and add them, follow these steps:

    • Select the Roster tab on the top
    • On the left under "My Classes", double-click on your name
    • On the right under Manage Roster, click "Manage Student Enrollment".

     roster circled, classes and teacher name circled, manage student enrollment circled

     4. Check the box next to the names of the students who you would like to have access to this program. Be sure to click Save when complete. 

    fraction nation student selection

    Students will now be able to log in following the directions below.

    Student Login at School 

    The Fraction Nation app is available in the App Depot for students to install. Once it is installed by one student on a workstation, it will be available in PISD Apps for all other students. At this time, Fraction Nation is not available on Chromebooks or outside of the school network. 

    1. Install Fraction Nation from the App Depot. 

    fraction nation in app depot

    2. Open Fraction Nation from the PISD Apps Math folder. 

    fraction nation in PISD Apps Math folder

    3. Click on the Fraction Nation button. 

    Fraction Nation Student Access screen

    4. Login with your PISD username and password. 

    fraction nation login screen

    If a student is unable to log in, they need to talk with the teacher about giving him/her access to the program. Please contact Leah Heerema in Instructional Technology with questions.