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Plano ISD Breaks Ground on New Wraparound Services Center in West Plano

Plano ISD Board of Trustees, district officials and city leaders from Plano and Dallas broke ground on a new Plano ISD Welcome and Enrollment Center on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

plano isd trustees, administrators and city leaders tossing dirt

District and city leaders breaking ground.

The 11,000 sq. ft. center, located at 6210 Mapleshade Ln. in Dallas, will provide Plano ISD families with enhanced wraparound services in multiple areas to promote student success in an efficient, caring and accessible manner strengthening family, school and community partnerships. Services will include:

  • Student Services (Enrollment, Transfers, Notarization of District Documents)
  • Connection to Community Resources and Counseling 
  • Family Engagement
  • Community & Social Services
    • Clothes Closet
    • Food Pantry
    • Homelessness / Families in Transition Support
    • Mobile Enrollment/Education Lab
    • Diversity Liaison
    • Health Fairs
  • Health & Wellness
    • Screening of immunization records for school enrollment
    • On-site immunizations for Plano ISD students that qualify

district and construction leaders tossing dirt

District and construction officials breaking ground.

“This center is a tangible expression of our belief that education extends far beyond the classroom,” said Plano ISD Superintendent Dr. Theresa Williams.“This building represents hope and a promise to our community–a promise that we will continue to innovate, invest and strive for excellence in providing the best possible educational experience for every child.”

rendering of west plano wraparound services center

Rendering of the West Plano Wraparound Services Center.

The Welcome Center is expected to be completed in December 2024. This will be the second Welcome and Enrollment Center in Plano ISD. The original center, located at the Bird Center, 1300 19th St. in Plano, was established in 2021.

superintendent williams speaking

Plano ISD Superintendent Dr. Theresa Williams speaking at the podium.