- Special Events
- Teacher of the Year
Sara Finkler , Marilyn Brooks Secondary Excellence in Teaching
Vines High School | Math Department Chair
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of teaching is that teaching is a work of heart and dedication along with knowledge of the content area. I grew up in a household of teachers. My mom, dad, two of my aunts, my grandma, my grandad were all educators for over 30 years in their teaching careers. Teaching has always been a dream of mine, not just to follow in my family’s footsteps, but because my family inspired me with their passion to make a difference in students’ lives and their love of teaching. At an early age, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, from playing school with my grandmother to walking into Vines High School as a first-year teacher.
I began following my dream of my teaching journey because I wanted to make an impact and make a difference in students’ lives. It is truly self-fulfilling knowing what kind of positive impact one can have on the future of students. I believe teaching takes heart, dedication, passion, positivity, hard work, desire to be a lifelong learner, ability to multitask and more! Teaching is a hard job, and I am so honored to work alongside a group of educators, mentors, administrators and instructional coaches who have helped, and have continued to help, grow my teaching ability. I am able to motivate students to try and be the best they can be by building connections, which is a valuable aspect to build that trust and respect with high school students.
I believe in setting high expectations for my students. I believe all students can learn math, be successful, be motivated and have the capability to reach these expectations and learning goals. I believe it is vital to create a safe environment where students feel heard, accepted, cared for and important, because students need a safe environment so that learning can happen. I believe all students can learn to apply and utilize their critical thinking skills and mathematical skills in the real world.
I asked the closest people around me to describe why I am an outstanding teacher. They said it was because I work to build connections with students, I am dedicated to the profession, I listen to my students, I work long hours, I care about the students’ wellbeing, and I bring a passion to my lessons. During the lessons, I show my excitement and passion for mathematics by smiling, a positive tone of voice, encouraging words such as great job, and a spirited attitude such as saying “yaaaaas” to inspire students to learn, be motivated and engage in the lesson. I also have students participate in peer collaboration by incorporating structured instructional strategies to create a student-centered environment during each lesson. Collaboration builds an engaging positive learning environment,, so students can take an active role in their math education and grow their critical thinking skills. The reward of a student “getting it” and having that “lightbulb moment” when teaching, makes teaching such an amazing job. When a student is confused, and then during the lesson or tutorial that look on the student’s face when they finally understand the mathematical concept! Priceless. A reward I have experienced while teaching is when students draw me a picture or write me a card just to say thank you and show their appreciation. How sweet! I have a whole bulletin board dedicated to all of the notes and pictures from my students over the years. Another reward that makes my day as well as serves as some of my favorite memories while teaching are when students from the previous school year stop by my room to say hi, say thanks for being such a great teacher, say “I miss you,” and ask for words of encouragement. These rewards remind me I am making a difference and an impact on students, which is why I became a teacher.
My beliefs about teaching are demonstrated in my personal teaching style by encouraging all students to participate and engage in the learning experience. I provide a positive environment where I encourage and guide students to support my belief that all students can learn, apply and utilize math in the real world and be successful. I also have class norms, and classroom expectations that students help create at the beginning of each semester and then consequences for accountability if students do not follow the norms and expectations. The norms and expectations are reminded to students throughout the year, which follows my belief of setting high expectations for students that when given the support and guidance, students can put in the hard work to reach these high expectations to succeed.
Teachers inspire students; they make a difference in students’ lives; guide students to success; encourage students to work hard and achieve their goals; and teachers impact the future generations to grow students’ abilities to take an active role in their education. Leaders. Encouragers. Teachers. Educators.
Dear Teacher of the Year Selection Committee:
It is my absolute pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for the 2022-2023 Vines High School Teacher of the Year Ms. Sara Finkler. This is Sara's seventh year teaching mathematics at Vines High School. During Sara's seven years here, she has served Vines in many ways. Sara was our cheer sponsor for five years and poured her heart and soul into her cheer girls, always leading with enthusiasm, care and heart. Sara has been a member of our leadership team for over five years now. First, Sara stepped into the role of Algebra 1 team leader and, because of her effectiveness as team leader, I promoted her to math department chair. Sara's ability to lead her team and get her teammates to stretch themselves professionally is truly inspirational. She leads with professionalism, compassion, understanding, yet sets high expectations for her teammates. Sara leads by example, as there is no one in this building who has a stronger work ethic than Sara. I have consistently observed Sara go above and beyond in everything she does.
Sara will gladly step up to help in any way she can, especially if it will benefit children. She embraces the hard-to-reach students; she teaches our Emergent Bilinguals; she has the highest student case load and teaches two preps.- Algebra 1 and Algebra 2. Oh, all of this while also earning her Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. I frequently "spotlight" Sara at staff meetings because she is always taking those necessary little risks and trying to implement new and innovative instructional strategies in her classroom. At any given time, you can walk into Sara's classroom and find it buzzing with student-led instruction, active student participation and genuine student excitement to learn!
Sara's service has also reached outside the walls of Vines High School. Sara helped the district with writing ELL Algebra 1 curriculum while also teaching summer school. Sara is a little "mover and shaker," and a "go-getter." Her love and passion for teaching exudes! Students love her because they feel the love she has for her profession every day they enter her classroom. Her colleagues adore her because she has a heart of gold. I refer to Sara as my "diamond in the rough." Not only is she an outstanding educator, but an extraordinary human being. She is a breath of fresh air and just "salt to the Earth." There is no one more deserving to receive this recognition from her colleagues. Sara truly possesses every quality, attribute, and value we want in our Plano ISD educators. It has been such a blessing for me to work alongside someone as special as Sara Finkler.
She IS one in a million and I am so proud that she is a Vines Viking!
Julie-Anne Z. Dean, Principal
Vines High School