Debate Team Shines In Florida and At Home

The PWSH Debate Team competed this past weekend. The incomparable Mr. Chapman took some folks to Florida for the Blue Key tournament. It's one of the largest tournaments in that area. Against several competitors from several states (yes, we could impress you with the numbers if you wanted us to do so), we had the following finishes:


Angel Ribo, Octafinalist, Lincoln Douglas Debate

Sasha Morel, Quarterfinals, Extemporaneous Speaking

Rehan Buvvaji, Quarterfinals, Extemporaneous Speaking

Kate Liu, 3rd place, Extemporaneous Speaking

Kate Liu, Champion, Impromptu Speaking


We also competed online at two local tournaments. At the Irma Rangel tournament, we had the following finishes:


Nishant Venkatachalam, Quarterfinals, Lincoln Douglas Debate

Ryan Chang, 2nd, Lincoln Douglas Debate


And, the Melissa online tournament resulted in the following:


Roshan Shivnani, 5th place, Congressional Debate

Rania Azizah, 6th, Dramatic Interp

Vivian Ho, 5th, Informative Speaking

Rania Azizah, 5th, Oral Interp

Vivian Ho, 2nd, Original Oratory

Shruti Waghray, Semifinals, Lincoln Douglas Debate

Jaival Patel & Eshaan Chachad, Octofinals, Public Forum Debate

