• Literacy

  • About Literacy

    Literacy Teaching formerly (Reading Recovery) is an early intervention program for first grade students. It is supplementary literacy support. The literacy teachers meet with first grade students individually for thirty-minutes daily and small groups throughout the day.

    Students receiving literacy teaching are taught to use strategies such as looking at the picture to get the meaning; thinking about what sounds right; and they are taught to think about what looks right.

    First grade literacy students are in the program twelve to sixteen weeks. When they make the necessary progress as determined by the classroom teacher and the Literacy teacher, they are discontinued from the program. These students are expected to continue to make progress with the average reading group in the classroom.

    Parents are encouraged to help with their child's success by listening to them read and to assist them by asking them to use clues and problem solve rather than giving them the answers.

    The Literacy teachers are here to be a successful intervention and help the students achieve the maximum academic success.

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