• Plant Science

    The Plant Science program of study focuses on occupational and educational opportunities associated with the science, research, and business of plants and other living organisms. This program of study includes the application of biology and life science to real-world life processes of plants and vegetation, interior landscape development, and artistic elements in floral design.
  • Successful completion of the program of study will fulfill requirements of a Business and Industry endorsement. Business Industries  

  • Course Information

    Courses below are not tied to grade levels.  Not all courses have a required prerequisite. 

    For more course information, click on the name of course.

    Level 1

    Course: 55170Q SEMESTER
    Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9 - 10
    Course Key:  55170Q
    Course Name:  Principles of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9 - 10

    Required Prerequisite(s): None

    Certification(s): N/A

    This comprehensive course prepares students for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resource management. Students benefit from the basis of agricultural knowledge as this course allows students to explore areas of animal, plant, food, agribusiness, and environmental sciences while developing their awareness and gaining knowledge and skills that promote personal development and career success.

    National FFA Organization

    Level 2

    Course: 55155B SEMESTER
    Landscape Design and Management
    Credit: 0.5
    Grade: 9 - 12
    Course Key:  55155B
    Course Name:  Landscape Design and Management
    Credit: 0.5
    Grade: 9 - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): None

    Certification(s): N/A

    This course is designed to introduce students to horticultural sciences with emphasis on the technical skills involved in the designing, construction, and maintenance of planted areas and devices for the beautification of home grounds and other areas of human habitation and recreation.

    National FFA Organization

    Course: 55500Q SEMESTER
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 11 - 12
    Course Key:  55500Q
    Course Name:  Entrepreneurship
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 11 - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): None

    Certification(s): N/A

    This course provides an overview of the process involved in starting a business and explores the resources available to help business owners in their venture. The primary focus of the course is to help students understand the process of analyzing a business opportunity, preparing a business plan, determining feasibility of an idea using research, understanding financial reports, and developing a plan to organize and promote the business along with its products and services.

    Business Professionals of America Distributive Education Clubs of America

    Level 3

    Course: 55115Q SEMESTER
    Horticultural Science
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9 - 12
    Course Key:  55115Q
    Course Name:  Horticultural Science
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 9 - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): None

    Certification(s): N/A

    This course offers students the opportunity to explore plant systems and common horticulture management practices as they relate to food and ornamental plant production. Topics include ornamental trees and shrubs, insects, plant diseases, weed management, soils and plant nutrition, vegetable gardening, home fruit production, garden flowers, and water conservation.

    National FFA Organization

    Course: 551501 FULL YEAR
    Floral Design
    Credit: 1
    Grade: 11 - 12
    Course Key:  551501
    Course Name:  Floral Design
    Credit: 1 fine arts credit
    Grade: 11 - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): None

    Certification(s): Texas State Florists' Association Knowledge Based or Level 1

    This is an activity-based course which prepares students to develop competencies in flower classification and identification, geometric and specialized floral designs, identification and classification of plants, interior landscape development, and the use of artistic elements in personal designs. Students will learn business practices as they relate to the floral industry.

    National FFA Organization

    Level 4

    Course: 551801 FULL YEAR
    Advanced Floral Design
    Credit: 1
    Grade: - 12
    Course Key:  551801
    Course Name:  Advanced Floral Design
    Credit: 1
    Grade:  - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): Floral Design

    Certification(s): Texas State Florists' Association Level 2

    In this course, students build on the knowledge from Floral Design and are introduced to more advanced floral design concepts, with an emphasis on specialty designs and specific occasion planning. This course focuses on building skills in advanced floral design and providing students with a thorough understanding of the design elements and planning techniques used to produce unique specialty floral designs that support the goals and objectives of a specific occasion or event.Through the analysis and evaluation of various occasion and event types, students explore the design needs and expectations of clients and propose and evaluate appropriate creations. From conception to evaluation, students are challenged to create and design appropriate specialty floral designs that meet the needs of the client. Furthermore, an emphasis on budgetary adherence and entrepreneurship equips students with many of the necessary skills needed for success in floral enterprises.

    National FFA Organization

    Course: 552901 FULL YEAR
    Practicum in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
    Credit: 2
    Grade: - 12
    Course Key:  552901
    Course Name:  Practicum in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
    Credit: 2
    Grade:  - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): A minimum of one credit within the Plant Science program of study

    Certification(s): Texas State Florists' Association Level 2

    This course prepares students for careers in agriculture, food, and natural resource fields. It is delivered through classroom-based instruction and internship, job shadowing, and/or employment arrangements with local businesses. This is an Honors Level course.

    National FFA Organization Transportation will be needed. Dollar Sign

    Course: 553801 FULL YEAR
    Career Preparation for Programs of Study
    Credit: 3
    Grade: 11 - 12
    Course Key:  553801
    Course Name:  Career Preparation for Programs of Study
    Credit: 3
    Grade: 11 - 12

    Required Prerequisite(s): 16 years of age

    Certification(s): N/A

    This course provides opportunities for students to participate in a work-based learning experience that combines classroom instruction with paid business and industry employment experiences. Classroom experiences include: job acquisition, career progression, financial success, business/entrepreneurial applications, occupational safety and health, and relevant news topics. Professional portfolios will be created with material supporting an educational/career plan for the future.Students will earn 3.0 credits for successful completion of this course which includes one class period per school day on campus and two class periods per school day allocated for early release for off campus work experience.

    Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Distributive Education Clubs of America Business Professionals of America Transportation will be needed.