• Bond Ballot Language

    The state of Texas mandates the ballot language for the Voter Approval Tax Rate Election and the Bond Election.

  • A few things to note:

    • The ballot language will state
      • "THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE" on each bond proposition although the Interest & Sinking (debt portion) of Plano ISD's tax rate has been lowered from $0.2690 to $0.2374 for the 2022-2023 school year.
      • This language is a new state requirement regardless of the bond's impact on the district's tax rate. 
    • Devices and technology upgrades outlined in Proposition C are required to be on a standalone proposition.
      • This is a new state requirement. 
    • The projects that address safety and lifecycle replacements outlined in Proposition E are required to be on a standalone proposition because the projects are planned at a stadium that has seating for more than 1,000 spectators.
      • This is a new state requirement. 

    View Sample Ballot