- Bond & VATRE 2022
- School Renovations & Safety - Prop B
Safety & Security
- Additional Safety & Security Infrastructure
- Security Camera Improvements
- Two-Way Radio Replacements
- Access Control System Additions / Upgrades
- Building Exterior & Parking Security Camera Enhancements
- Shatter-Resistant Window Film
- Centralized Emergency Operations Location
- Burglar Alarm Panel Upgrade
Major Renovations
- Haggard Middle School Replacement
- Plano Senior High Renovations
- Williams High School Renovations
- Clark High School Renovations
- Elementary School Kitchen Renovation & Addition (9 campuses)
- Middle School Kitchen & Dining Addition (2 campuses)
Minor Renovations
- Plano East Senior High Renovations
- Plano West Senior High Renovations
- Service Center Renovation (FANS, Purchasing, Facilities)
- Elementary School Kitchen Upgrades (6 campuses)
- Elementary School Kitchen Renovations (2 campuses)
- Food & Nutritional Services Equipment Replacement
Technology Infrastructure
- Network Infrastructure Equipment
- Wireless Network Systems
- Fiber Maintenance
- Structured Cabling
- VoIP Phone System
- Uninterupted Power Supply (UPS)
- Network Technology Rooms
CTE & Innovative Programs
- Career & Technology Education Center
- Classroom Expansion for Agricultural Classes
- Holifield Outdoor Learning Center
- Upgrades in Science Areas to Address Safety Issues
- High School and Middle School Family Consumer Science Lab Classrooms
- Secondary Academic Services: Calculator Replacement
- Academy High School & Other CTE Equipment
- Buses & Bus Enhancements
- Transportation Building Addition/Renovation
- White Fleet (District & Maintenance)
- Transportation Fuel / Storage Tanks
- Student Tracking / Wireless Network
Infrastructure & Maintenance
- Systems & Compliance
- Playgrounds - Lower Elementary
- Playgrounds - Upper Elementary
- Capital Improvement Projects
Fine Arts
- Music
- Stage Upgrades & Ticketing Equipment
- Art
- Theater
- Band Trailers for Plano, Plano East and Plano West Senior High Schools
Campus Athletics
- Additional Gyms (2)
- Tennis Court Relocation & Replacement / Storage & Restroom Addition
- Baseball & Softball: Turf / Locker Rooms / Coaches Office / Dugout Extensions
- Softball: Covered Hitting Tunnel
- Baseball Concession Stand Restrooms
- Auxiliary Field LED Lights
- Updated Campus SAC
- 8’ Fence around Track & Field, with gates
- Dropdown Batting Tunnel for SAC
- Additional Gyms (2)
- Locker Room Major Renovation
- Tennis Court Relocation & Replacement / Storage & Restroom Addition
- Baseball & Softball: Turf / Locker Rooms / Coaches Office / Dugout Extensions
- Auxiliary Field LED Lights
- Updated Campus SAC
- 8’ Fence around Track & Field, with gates
- Softball: Covered Hitting Tunnel
- Dropdown Batting Tunnel for SAC
- Additional Gyms (2)
- Locker Room Major Renovation
- Tennis Court Relocation & Replacement / Storage & Restroom Addition
- Baseball & Softball: Turf / Locker Rooms / Coaches Office / Dugout Extensions
- Auxiliary Field LED Lights
- Updated Campus SAC
- 8’ Fence around Track & Field, with gates
- Softball: Covered Hitting Tunnel
- Dropdown Batting Tunnel for SAC
- Middle School Tracks
- Athletic Uniform Refresh
- Drill & Cheer Team
Facility Assessment Lookup
The total assessment score is based on the average of the following factors: Percent of Life Remaining, Work Order History and Visual Evaluation. The scores are based on a 100 point value system, with lower scores indicating higher needs for replacement or renovation.
TOTAL: $1,172,976,000
What Will I See On My Ballot?
The projects shown above will be listed as Proposition B on your ballot. To view your complete sample ballot, visit the Collin County Elections webpage.
Voters will be asked to vote FOR or AGAINST the issuance of about $1.1 billion in bonds for school facilities, the purchase of sites, buses and vehicles. The ballot will also state the imposition of a tax sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the bonds. This refers to the district’s I&S rate, and Plano ISD can afford to pay for these bonds at the current rate.