• 3rd Grade

  • Schedule

    Lunch 12:10pm -12:40pm
    Recess 12:40pm -1:10pm

  • First Nine Weeks

    Language Arts - What an exciting first nine weeks we will have in third grade! Sometimes there seems to be so many fun learning activities and not enough time. Third graders start off the year getting to know each other by bringing "All About Me" bags and writing personal narratives. Students do not only learn about each other they also learn about their new teachers.

    Math - Students will explore many new concepts and expanded and previously taught concepts such as addition and subtraction, place value and rounding.

    Integrated - Third graders begin a theme unit titled "Continuity and Change" in which we dive deep into the lifestyles of Plano's earliest pioneers. Students learn that although their lives were quite different than ours, there are many similarities. We are also discussing the concepts of past, present and future and communities.

  • Second Nine Weeks

    Language Arts – Third graders will continue to learn important reading skills such as sequencing, cause and effect and main ideas and details.

    Math – We will be reviewing patterns and beginning multiplication.

    Integrated – We will be finishing our unit on Interactions where we explore the interactions of the planets and how heroes interact with others.

  • Third Nine Weeks

    Language Arts -Third grade has been working extremely hard toward preparing for the upcoming STAAR test in April. Students will play a few games to help us prepare for the test. They have learned many strategies in math and reading to help them. They look forward to using all of these techniques on the test.

    Math – Students will be dividing items into fractions and will be brushing up on their addition and subtraction skills.

    Integrated - Third graders are learning lots of new things in integrated. We are finishing up our unit on Balance and Stability. In this unit we are learning about different regions and landforms. We are also learning about the different weather in each region. We are also beginning our systems unit. Here we learn about ecosystems.

  • Fourth Nine Weeks

    Language Arts- We are reviewing all the concepts that we have learned such as inferences, drawing conclusions and main idea and details.

    Math - Students will review all the concepts learned throughout the year and begin preparing for fourth grade!

    Integrated- We will cover diversity and communication units this nine weeks. Our favorite topic in diversity is adaptation. Ask about the song that we have learned. In communications we learn about heat, light and sound and how they help us communicate.

  • Third Grade Curriculum

    Third grade has quite a year planned out. We are going on a few field trips and have many wonderful activities in the works. The students in third grade take two field trips during the year. Both will be in the spring. We have some things in the works and we will send home details closer to the time of the field trips. The curriculum in third grade consists of math, language, reading, writing and integrated which includes science, social studies, and health. In math the students will be learning place value, rounding, estimating, money, time, number patterns, geometry, measurement, multiplication and division. A strong emphasis is placed on problem solving in third grade. We play lots of games to stress skills, and we have several computer games, which reinforce the skills taught in the classroom. The student's favorite game is Fast Math. Each day during math, students will work in various stations and then have a group lesson which will focus on the concept for that day. During our language arts block students participate in guided reading groups, grammar skills, and writing activities. Students are going to be writing personal narratives, persuasive stories, and how-to papers during the year. We will be working on writing once a week in class and focus on the process of writing from pre-writing to publishing the papers. We are working to get them ready for 4th grade. At the end of the day, students participate in integrated activities. This is a very hands-on time for the children. This year the will be learning about continuity and change, interactions, balance and stability, systems, diversity, and communication.We will have lots of experiments and we will focus on the scientific process during each experiment.
    We have lots of opportunities for parent involvement during the school year. Please call your child's classroom teacher if you would like to help out or volunteer in the classroom. The third grade team is off to a great beginning, and is looking forward to creating many lasting memories for your children!

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