Learn Skyward Gradebook

    1. Go to www.pisd.edu/skyward, open the “Teacher Getting Started Guide”, and follow along with the numbered items under “Teacher Training”.
    2. Complete Skyward Knowledge Hub PDC course titled "Teacher Access and Traditional Gradebook Quick Start Course".
      1. It’s a self-paced, 1.5-hour course with step-by-step instructions and simulations, and earn a badge upon completion!
      2. To find it in Skyward, on the top right of the screen click the dropdown arrow next to Knowledge Hub and select Professional Development Center (PDC).
    3. After completing the above, reach out to your campus PLANner for questions. To find out who your PLANner is, see the section “Who is my PLANner?” at www.pisd.edu/skyward.
  • Support Contact the Help Desk (28767 or tsos@pisd.edu) if:
    You cannot sign into Skyward.

    Contact your Campus Secretary or Master Scheduler if:
    You do not see students or are experiencing any scheduling issues.

    Contact your campus PLANner if:
    You have questions regarding how to navigate Skyward or anything from the Getting Started Guide that you learned about (taking attendance, entering grades, etc.). 
    See the section "Who is my PLANner?" on https://www.pisd.edu/skyward.

    Support Website:  