• Google Drive / Microsoft 365

  • Google Drive

    Students and teachers have access to Google Drive, a cloud computing option that will provide unlimited storage for files, a continuation of work on documents from any Internet-connected location, and collaboration options among students.

    What is Included:

    • Documents and sites can be accessed and edited on almost any mobile device or tablet.
    • Unlimited storage per user.

    More Information

    More About Google Drive

  • Microsoft 365

    Staff and students have access to Microsoft 365 for Education.

    What is Included?

    • Office online (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote)
    • 1TB of OneDrive storage. 

    Home Installation

    You can also install Office on your home computers and devices. The install license includes up to 5 PCs or Macs, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones.

    More Information

    More about Microsoft 365 


  • Google LoginWeb address: drive.google.com

    Teacher Username: PISD Email address

    Student Username: firstname.lastname.#@mypisd.net
    (Example: john.doe.4@mypisd.net)

    Password: network password

  • Trouble Logging Into Google?

    If you or your students are unable to log in to Google Drive, the likely cause is a password that is too short; the password needs to contain 8 characters.

    You can change the password yourself by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete on your keyboard. Select Change a Password and follow the prompts. Your new Google password will work within a few minutes.

    Still Need Help:

    Call the Help Desk at x28767 (469-752-8767 outside the district) or email helpdesk@pisd.edu and request that the Help Desk change your password. If Help Desk personnel reset your network password, the password change will take effect within a few minutes.

  • Microsoft 365 LoginWeb address: https://outlook.office365.com (or click the Microsoft 365 tile in Webdesk)

    Teacher Username: PISD Email address

    Student Username: firstname.lastname.#@mypisd.net 
    (Example: john.doe.4@mypisd.net)

    Password: network password