• High School/Senior High Resources 

    Our digital resources are available in the Library Digital Resources folder in Webdesk using your Plano ISD username and password. For login assistance please contact your campus technology assistant (CTA) or the Plano ISD Help Desk

  • ABC Clio - American and World Social Studies and Issues. Documents, images, maps, audio and visual
  • Britannica Moderna - Spanish language Encyclopedia
  • Britannica School High - Full-text Encyclopedia articles, timelines, weblinks, multimedia, maps on a variety of subjects
  • Chilton (PSHS ONLY) - Online access to repair, maintenance and service information on popular vehicles
  • Culture Grams - Images, Maps, multimedia. World and State editions
  • Ebsco Host - Full-text articles from academic journals, reports and reference sources
  • Ebsco Learning Express - interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, career development and more
  • Gale Academic OneFile - Full-text Journal and reference articles
  • Gale General OneFile - Coming Soon
  • Gale Health and Wellness - Health-related issues with daily periodical and newspaper article updates
  • Gale in Context: Biography - Biographical and contextual information on notable people throughout history
  • Gale in Context: Environmental Studies - Global Reference on the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
  • Gale in Context: High School - Full-text Articles from reference books, magazines, newspapers, multimedia content, flags, maps, photographs, plays and poems
  • Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints - Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues
  • Gale in Context: Science - Academic articles, videos, experiments, and more
  • Gale Interactive Science - Interactive 3D models in biology, chemistry, earth science, and more
  • Gale Literature - Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.
  • Gale Literature Resource Center - Biography, criticism, and overviews on writers and specific works in all disciplines
  • Gale OneFile: Educator's Reference Complete - Full-text Articles from academic journals, reports, and reference sources
  • Gale OneFile: High School - Coming Soon
  • Gale OneFile: Informe Academico - Full-text resource that meets the needs of Spanish-speaking learners
  • Gale OneFile: News - Regional, national, and world newspapers
  • Gale Power Search - Search multiple databases simultaneously
  • Soundzabound - Royalty-free audio clips (MP3) Music, loops, sound effects Organized by theme or category
  • TeachingBooks.net - Multimedia resources about books used in the K-12 environment.