School Library Materials
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Collection Maintenance & Review
Collection development is the ongoing evaluation, selection, acquisition, and deselection of library resources to meet the needs of users and potential users. This cycle is supported by regular collection maintenance practices and aligns with Board Policy EFB Local, which states, "In accordance with state guidelines and District administrative procedures, collections shall be evaluated and updated regularly based on the collections' age, relevance, diversity, and variety. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure administrative procedures are established for regular maintenance of the library collection on each campus. Standard maintenance procedures for any library collection include repair, replacement, and removal of materials as necessary. Regular maintenance shall also include scheduled inventories of the collection.
Although librarians complete a broad analysis of all sections of their libraries annually, it would not be feasible for them to perform an in-depth analysis of all sections of the library every year. The district's weeding schedule is meant to ensure all sections within our libraries receive an in-depth analysis on a cyclical basis and are maintained accordingly. Similarly, district's inventory schedule ensures all libraries are inventoried at least once every 3 years.
Internal Reviews
Books that are removed from our shelves outside of the formal reconsideration process have undergone an internal review. This review is part of our ongoing maintenance procedures, allowing us to proactively evaluate books within our library system. Book removals may occur due to various factors such as condition, usage records, accuracy, currency, and content falling outside of our selection criteria. No single staff member can independently remove a title from our collection based solely on content-related reasons unless the item is no longer accurate.
Our primary objective is to create an inclusive learning environment in compliance with all laws. PISD does not remove titles based on the background of authors, characters or viewpoints expressed. We are committed to providing diverse perspectives and fostering critical thinking among our students.
For lists of titles that have been removed through the formal reconsideration process or removed/releveled as the result of an internal review, select an option below.
Titles reviewed prior to 8/2/22
Fall 2023 FAQs
Why did the district change its internal library review processes?
Board Policy EFB(LOCAL) regarding library selections and reconsideration processes was revised in August 2022. In May 2023, the district received formal reconsideration requests for 70 titles. Of those titles, 5 were not in Plano ISD libraries. The remaining 65 titles were then reviewed in accordance with Board Policy EFB (LOCAL).
This was the first time the new policy had been tested and after the completion of the 65 reviews, the decisions for several titles were appealed. As such, we believed it was necessary to review our processes to ensure consistency in applying board policy related to sexually explicit content.
As a result, the district updated its procedures, which will provide librarians with greater clarity in the selection of library materials as well as provide better defined, objective parameters in addressing sexually explicit content.
Why were certain titles recently removed?
The titles that have been removed represent less than one-tenth of one percent of our library collection. The removal of these books from our libraries was not taken lightly. Our primary goal is to create an inclusive and safe learning environment for all students, in compliance with all laws.
The changes in our procedures do not override the provisions of Board Policy EFB (LEGAL and LOCAL), but are instead made in accordance with that policy. As such, Plano ISD does not remove titles because of the background of authors or characters, or simply because of the viewpoint expressed in the book.
We believe that literature requires choice and representation, which can be achieved without including books with sexually explicit content.
Does Plano ISD use BookLooks ratings to evaluate materials?
Plano ISD does not use BookLooks ratings to evaluate content.
Can books be removed without reading them as a whole?
While our formal reconsideration process requires committee members to review challenged material in its entirety, our internal review and maintenance procedures do not, as the process may be used for multiple purposes.
Were books that are used as part of the AP curriculum removed?
No books that are used in our AP curriculum were removed. The district is committed to providing students with the necessary resources to succeed in their advanced courses.
Did political pressure or complaints from non-residents of Plano ISD factor into the decision to revise these processes?
The board and district leadership team are not influenced by political agendas or pressures from outside the community. Rather, the administration is committed to continuous improvement and ensuring all policies, procedures and processes are in alignment with local, state and national law, as well as community standards. It is worth noting that Texas requires any individual who wishes to speak at a board meeting to have that opportunity. We know that opinions may vary, and we are committed to maintaining an open dialogue with our stakeholders.