School Library Materials
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Library Collection Development
Collection development is the ongoing evaluation, selection, acquisition, and deselection of library resources to meet the needs of users and potential users.
As trained professional staff, librarians spend time each year analyzing collection data as well as the physical condition of items to create collection development plans which include annual goals for both selection and deselection (commonly referred to as weeding) of materials. During the analysis and goal setting process, librarians consider a variety of factors such as the ones below.
Library Material Selection
Evaluation of material is not solely based on an individual item but the relationship between that item and other items in the collection. During the vetting process, items are evaluated to determine whether they meet the selection criteria outlined in Board Policy EFB Local.
View the Plano ISD Guide to Library Selection Criteria (printable PDF)
Who should I contact if I have more questions about my child's campus library?
All traditional campuses have library web pages with librarian contact information. Campus librarians can help answer any questions you may have.
What options do parents and guardians have in guiding their child's library selection?
For information on parent options, please see the Library Materials & Parent Options page.
How can I find out what books are available in my child's library?
Online catalogs for each campus can be located on our Early Childhood & Elementary library catalog, Middle school library catalog, and High School/Senior High library catalog webpages. Click on the link for your campus to search for materials.
Are there standards related to how school libraries should function?
Yes. Check out these resources to learn more.