• Library Collection Development

    Collection development is the ongoing evaluation, selection, acquisition, and deselection of library resources to meet the needs of users and potential users.    

    Collection development consists of needs analysis, deselection, sourcing and research, prioritization and procurement.

    As trained professional staff, librarians spend time each year analyzing collection data as well as the physical condition of items to create collection development plans which include annual goals for both selection and deselection (commonly referred to as weeding) of materials. During the analysis and goal setting process, librarians consider a variety of factors such as the ones below.

    Needs assessment includes collection distribution, reading levels, interest levels, topics, genres, viewpoints, inclusivity, student interests, circulation data, time sensitive subjects, publication age, and more.

    Library Material Selection

    Evaluation of material is not solely based on an individual item but the relationship between that item and other items in the collection.  During the vetting process, items are evaluated to determine whether they meet the selection criteria outlined in Board Policy EFB Local.    

    View the Plano ISD Guide to Library Selection Criteria (printable PDF)