• Library Material Reconsideration

    In accordance with Board Policy, District employees with instructional expertise and parents or guardians of District students may request the reconsideration of a library material maintained in the District's school and/or classroom library program.  Titles may be challenged if an individual believes the title does not meet the standards set forth in Board Policy EFB.  The steps to request a reconsideration are included within this policy.

    Plano ISD is legally required to protect the First Amendment rights of its students. In accordance with established Supreme Court decisions, a District cannot remove a library book without first reviewing the work. The District’s policy is designed to ensure that an appropriate review is conducted prior to any title being removed so that the District satisfies the requirements of the First Amendment.  However, the policy is also designed to ensure that educationally unsuitable materials, such as pervasively vulgar materials, are removed upon completion of review.  See the legal framework in Board Policy EFB for more information. 

    Per Board Policy EFB, "access to a challenged material shall not be restricted during the reconsideration process, except the District may deny access to a child if requested by the student's parent or guardian."

    Request for Reconsideration Form