• 2023 Teacher of the Year Nominees

  • Elementary Nominees

    Magdalena Parnell

    Aldridge Elementary School
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    Kellye Cauhape

    Andrews Elementary School
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    Thuy Lopez

    Barksdale Elementary School
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    Julia Harben

    Barron Elementary School
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    Amy Gonzalez-Rodiles

    Beaty Early Childhood School
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    Tiffany Key

    Bethany Elementary School
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    Alice Michael

    Beverly Elementary School
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    Jill Maclaughlin

    Boggess Elementary School
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    Danielle Hubbard

    Brinker Elementary School
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    Marilyn Easton

    Carlisle Elementary School
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    Ashley Immel

    Centennial Elementary School
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    Doris Martinez

    Christie Elementary School
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    Julie Duncan

    Daffron Elementary School
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    Kathryn Strong

    Davis Elementary School
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    Brittany Jones

    Dooley Elementary School
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    Shelley Welch

    Forman Elementary School
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    Rebecca Dwyer

    Gulledge Elementary School
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    Blair Flores

    Harrington Elementary School
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    Rachel Perez

    Haun Elementary School
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    Carmen Ramos

    Head Start
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    Brinkley Castro

    Hedgcoxe Elementary School
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    Roxanne Barnes

    Hickey Elementary School
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    Melinda Carr

    Hightower Elementary School
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    Rebecca Finley

    Huffman Elementary School
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    Dawn Burney

    Hughston Elementary School
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    Carrie Canaday

    Hunt Elementary School
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    Guadalupe Solis

    Isaacs Early Childhood School
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    Elizabeth Steinbaugh

    Jackson Elementary School
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    Meghann Sciples

    Mathews Elementary School
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    Emilie Heisserer

    McCall Elementary School
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    Jeanne Elizondo

    Meadows Elementary School
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    Michelle Janah

    Memorial Elementary School
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    Kiamiccia Boone-Neal

    Mendenhall Elementary School
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    Megan Nickel

    Miller Elementary School
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    Jennifer Shelton

    Pearson Early Childhood School
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    Melissa McCary

    Rasor Elementary School
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    Tyler Overton

    Rose Haggar Elementary School
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    Patricia Carlson

    Saigling Elementary School
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    Hana Ishaq

    Schell Elementary School
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    Courtney Murry

    Shepard Elementary School
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    Fernando Reyna Torres

    Sigler Elementary School
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    Jacquelyn Edwards

    Skaggs Elementary School
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    Lindsey Morrison

    Stinson Elementary School
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    Kamesha Ross

    Thomas Elementary School
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    Katherine Maldonado

    Weatherford Elementary School
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    Mistina Stephan

    Wells Elementary School
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    Katherine Clancy

    Wyatt Elementary School
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  • Secondary Nominees

    Joshua Batty

    Armstrong Middle School
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    Angela Noack

    Bowman Middle School
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    Yamilys Domenech Del Valle

    Carpenter Middle School
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    Keondra Wilcox

    Charmaine Solomon Adult Transition Center
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    Amber Carter

    Clark High School
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    Paul Ziegler

    Frankford Middle School
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    Kathleen Casey

    Guinn Special Programs
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    Carrie Weaver

    Haggard Middle School
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    Olivia Carter

    Hendrick Middle School
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    Meerna Ayoubi

    Jasper High School
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    Lulbora Fejza

    McMillen High School
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    Chieu Dau

    Murphy Middle School
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    Brandie Phillips

    Otto Middle School
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    Kristy Alexander

    Plano East Senior High School
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    Julia Goodwin

    Plano ISD Academy High School
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    Suzanne Day

    Plano Senior High School
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    Sarah Council

    Plano West Senior High School
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    Anna Hensley

    Renner Middle School
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    Daniel Anaya

    Rice Middle School
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    Mitchell Stobee

    Robinson Middle School
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    Azam Anet

    Schimelpfenig Middle School
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    Randolph Crews

    Shepton High School
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    Laurie Liefer

    Vines High School
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    Lourdes Aguilar

    Williams High School
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    Philip Richardson

    Wilson Middle School
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