• About Fine Arts

    The philosophy of fine arts education in the Plano Independent School District is to provide a sequential, developmental fine arts curriculum which allows each student an opportunity to build skill and understanding through a wide variety of quality artistic experiences.

    Fine arts have intrinsic value in the education of the whole child.  Student study and participation in fine arts courses and programs is a major component of skill development in leadership, management, organization, critical thinking, work ethic, self-control, and tolerance. In so much as the arts are now widely recognized as a separate and distinct form of knowledge, the district has a responsibility to provide instruction that will nurture this intelligence to its fullest potential in each child.  The study of fine arts as discrete disciplines can and should provide an avenue for unique creative and artistic self-expression.   Fine arts have value as a vehicle for understanding the history, society, culture and creative expressions of a wide variety of peoples.  Statistically, participation in the arts connects the development of interpersonal skills, self-reliance, responsibility and team work to general academic studies and has been shown to have a positive effect on learning in those disciplines.

    Instructional examples, literature, repertoire, and other instructional materials are of the highest quality and are presented through an independent, culturally aware delivery to students.  While public performance and exhibition are natural outgrowths of this artistic instruction, it is not an end unto itself.  The fine arts education provided to students in the Plano Independent School District is a balanced one, where the artistic growth of each child is the ultimate goal and public demonstration is an expression of this growth.

    Students learn to be creative, adaptive, intelligent, team-focused leaders who are ready for their next steps in life - be it college/university, their private or public sector career, or military service.  Plano ISD Fine Arts strengthens students into highly prepared individuals for the future.


                                                                                                                 Plano ISD students gather at the Robinson Fine Arts Center for Arts Inspire (August 2024)