Jessica Williams | Elementary Teacher of the Year

Jessica Williams, Pearson Early Childhood School


Pearson Early Childhood School | Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Teacher

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Teaching Philosophy 

As a little girl raised in a low-income household with my parents and one brother, I kept an outgoing, happy personality. We did not have many resources, but I always knew I would make the best of what we had. At a young age, I developed a passion for reading to other children. Although only a child myself, I read with confidence, strength and empowerment. My dad instilled in me that in reading, the important thing is not only what is in the book, but how it is delivered. He passed away just a few months ago, and I have carried his words with me throughout growing up. More so now than ever, I hold onto those words with a tight grip.

Although my passion for children and teaching was quite evident at a young age, I never saw myself where I am today. Due to limited resources, I babysat to put myself through school. A big motivator for me was coming from a family in which no one had previously graduated. I delivered my first child a year after completing high school and attempted college while having a newborn at home. When I held my son in my arms, I knew in my heart that I had a purpose to persevere on this journey.

My college math professor was a huge motivation for my success. She was always supportive while I worked and attended school. One day she asked, “Why do you want to become a teacher?” My response blew her mind. “Ms. Bush, I want to become a teacher because I know that I was called to impact the lives of young children. My love, guidance, and knowledge help them be something they never imagined, as my teachers have done for me.”

After graduating with two degrees in Child Development, I moved to Texas, where I was required to continue my education and obtain a Master’s in Early Childhood Education. My journey began with Plano ISD as a paraprofessional in an early childhood classroom. I have now been with the district for six years. I continued my education and pursued student teaching, which led me to become a Special Education teacher. My desire to work with special education students stems from wanting to teach them to embrace challenges and overcome difficulties just as I had to do as a student. My passion for my students is to never give up regardless of their disabilities. I ingrain in my students that they are strong, they are brave, and they can do it!

As I progressed in my position and gained experience and knowledge, I was chosen to be a team leader. Not only was I given the opportunity to teach for Plano ISD, but I am also the proud parent of two children who currently attend schools within our district.

My motivation to do, and be better, stems from the progress of my students. Building strong relationships with my students and their families is the most important thing I hold dear. The biggest reward I find in teaching is leaving each day knowing I have made an impact on both parents and students. The words that I speak to my families are powerful and encourage them in ways they never imagined. I knew that I was making a difference when a parent sat down with me at our parent-teacher conference. She said to me, “I trust every word you tell me because you have yet to mislead me.” I am not only a leader on my campus but also to students and families.

I am often asked why I do what I do. It is simple, actually, and not hard to answer. I truly believe each child has the potential to be a wonderful person. While it may be harder for some to get there, I support and encourage their growth no matter the size. I absolutely love what I do, and there is no amount of money, flexibility, or reasoning that could change it. I am making a difference. I am changing the lives of lifelong learners. I am a teacher!

Dear Teacher of the Year Selection Committee:  

Today, I proudly honor Jessica Williams as Pearson Teacher of the Year and present her nomination for Plano ISD Teacher of the Year. Ms. Williams, an Early Childhood Special Education Focus Classroom Teacher and Team Leader, has dedicated herself with purpose and passion to supporting students with the most significant of behavioral needs from the moment she entered the field of education.

Ms. Williams is triple-certified in general education, special education and ESL. She began her career at Pearson in 2017 as a Special Ed Assistant, supporting and implementing behavior plans developed for students with severe maladaptive behaviors. After completing her teacher internship at Pearson in 2018, she moved into a Special Education Self-Contained Teacher position at Rasor Elementary where she spent three years promoting the physical, mental and social emotional development needs as well as supporting proactive behavior modification and reinforcement strategies for students with intense and challenging behaviors. She blossomed in this role and was beloved by students and staff alike. In 2021, Ms. Williams came home to Pearson, dedicating her efforts in a PK Focus classroom. Her goal is to provide early intervention to students that would solidify a strong foundation for children in which they would not continue to need individualized services.

I describe Jessica as the bright and shiniest of all stars. She is a lover of life, of all people, and above all, of sharing knowledge and wisdom with others - from her students to colleagues. Her fervency for supporting growth and development in her students is built around the cornerstone and most essential aspect of instruction - what comes first in learning - and that is strong relationships and human connection.

Fred Rogers once shared, "My grandfather was one of those people who loved to live and loved to teach, and every time I was with him, he would show me something about the world or about myself that I had not even thought of yet. He would help me find something wonderful in the smallest of things….I loved him so much….that I think I would have learned anything he wanted to teach me." This describes Jessica's relationship with every student she serves.

Ms. Williams' impact is bigger than the walls of her classroom. She is ever-present for kids in need. Her colleagues acknowledge, "If there is anyone who gives above 100% every single day - it's Jessica. She has a radiant heart of gold for her fellow teachers and for her students. She brings an amazing toolbox of strategies and creative ideas to employ with her students and to share with staff. She believes in children and therefore they rise to her expectations,"

and "She opens new doors for her students by introducing them to abilities they didn't know they had. Her classroom is filled with energy that inspires her students to do their best and show them the world is in their hands! Something amazing to see in person!". Last year Ms. Williams stepped up when we had another special education teacher on extended leave. Without hesitation, Jessica took over supporting the entire classroom of students, including tracking their IEP goals, providing services, communicating with parents, assessing their progress, and more. She did this with a continuous smile, driven to make a difference for these students.

In addition to being there for students, Jessica supports fellow teachers by creating resources for individual students, being a thought partner in providing strategies and plans teachers can utilize with students, joining classrooms to model implementation of strategies, and has even designed a system to be used on the bus to ensure the success of a child for transportation. She frequently creates social stories for other staff members and parents to use with students in various settings.

Ms. Williams also serves on the campus Zones of Regulation Learning Community at Pearson, a committee that supports professional development for staff in the realm of social-emotional learning and designs specialized Tier 1 curriculum and resources for classroom teachers. In her work on this committee, she has volunteered to provide training and consult with other campuses within Plano ISD.

Jessica is such a passionate, caring and loving educator that exudes positivity and incredible energy. Her students love her! The way the little ones view her is so inspiring! She always provides effective and clear communication to her families. Parents have acknowledged her for the relationships she has built with them and respected and admired her for creating such loving boundaries with their children. One parent shared, "We are very honored to have such an active, enthusiastic, accountable, and communicative teacher as Ms. Williams."

The servant heart Ms. Williams possesses isn't limited to her role as a teacher. Jessica has volunteered for many years feeding the homeless in Dallas at least once a month. She also volunteers teaching classes for special needs children at her church. In 2021, Ms. Williams was honored as a Community Service Award recipient from One Community Church in Plano for her sustained efforts and commitment to serving the community.

Ms. Williams has made an impact from the day she entered PISD and has continually been recognized by her colleagues for her dedication and passion, including receiving the 2018 Paraprofessional of the Year Award at Pearson, being honored by the Plano Principals Association with a Scholarship Award in 2018, being selected to the Teacher Leader Academy and now being nominated by peers as Pearson Teacher of the Year.

We are so fortunate to have Ms. Williams at Pearson. Her positive impact is broad and will continue to influence students and staff for years to come. Jessica is one of the most dedicated and compassionate teachers I have had the privilege of working alongside. She is deserving of this recognition and I am honored to submit her nomination to you as Plano ISD's Teacher of the Year.

Jen Haugh, Principal

Pearson Early Childhood School