- Special Events
- Teacher of the Year
Thanh Nguyen | Marilyn Brooks Secondary Excellence in Teaching
Carpenter Middle School | Math Teacher, Team Leader 6
Teaching Philosophy
There are a few reasons that I want to teach, but the main reason is to make a difference in a child's life. This has been my lifelong dream since I was very young. When I was young my family was poor, but education was always our priority. My parents tried everything to keep me in school. Attending school in Vietnam was a great cost for many poor families. When I was young I saw many kids at my age dropped out from school due to their families' poverty and hardship. A great desire and passion engulfed me at that time that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to teach every poor kid without charging any fee. I carried that dream with me to America when I was in high school. But the dream was challenged due to the language barrier. Later I realized the challenge that I had faced wasn't all about the language, but me. Then I made a choice of taking myself out of my comfort zone that required a huge amount of vulnerability and bravery. It wasn't about perfect. It was about effort. I believe when I bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That positive attitude and innovative efforts have given me the energy to be courageous. It also humbled me and taught me patience.
Based on my personal experiences, I strongly believe that teaching must be done by innovative efforts, patience and enthusiasm. What makes my teaching effective, involves more than my expertise in teaching mathematics; it is who I am as an educator and person, and how I can help my students understand the concepts of math that they are learning. I believe my positive attitude and innovative efforts help my students stay interested in learning.
As a teacher, I am a role model for my students. If I am able to show a positive attitude and interest in a topic that my students are learning, especially in my students as individuals, they are more likely to reciprocate. I believe teaching is most effective when my students are motivated by their interest to learn, keeping my students engaged with a positive attitude, allowing myself to find ways to let my students see what is interesting about the subject that they are learning.
They are expected to stay focused, but they don't have to be afraid of being creative, innovative and having fun in my classroom. Furthermore, being patient gives me the willingness to adapt to different classroom situations. Students vary from class-to-class. Some may be attentive, while others are a little challenging. Being a patient teacher, I am able to allow my cognitive development to understand my students better and prepare instructional materials and classroom activities that would help them achieve their potential.
Students may have different learning styles and abilities. I need to realize and understand my students' behaviors and can provide an equal opportunity for all students to be successful in my class. With my innovative efforts, I always try to understand why my students behave as they do. Why some students persist to task completion despite enormous difficulty, while others give up at the slightest provocation; or why some students set such unrealistically high goals for themselves that failure is bound to occur. Being sensitive to the needs of all my students, I can capitalize on these motivational needs to increase my student's interest and effort in my classroom. Today, students in the U.S. have many cultural differences and these affect all teacher-student relationships because these differences affect classroom behavior. Since students and teachers come from different backgrounds and carry their own cultures into the classroom, it could be problematic to treat everyone's cultural and linguistic backgrounds as equally valid. Since the cultural setting in the classroom is diverse and multiple, it would be challenged to develop instructions, structures that reflect on every student's background and needs. Therefore, I always keep in mind that I must design learning experiences that show consideration for students' cultural heritage, unique endowments, learning styles, interests and needs.
I am feeling uneasy to say that I am an outstanding teacher. I know there are many great teachers in Plano ISD and I've worked with many amazing teachers at Carpenter Middle School. I only can say boldly that I am very thankful for being a teacher. This year I have experienced the need for teachers in our country is quite real. The pandemic and shortage of teachers have affected every part of the profession, from prekindergarten to grade 12. Students and educators continue to struggle with mental health challenges, higher rates of violence and misbehavior, and concerns about lost instructional time. Our students really need great teachers who can help them catch up, foster their well-being, and inspire them towards their future career. Everyone needs a purpose in life, and I, as a teacher, must have a clear, defined purpose each and every day, to best cater for my students for an even better tomorrow.
I always believe that education is the best investment which I can have. It gives me a lifegiving opportunity to enhance my academic, social and personal development. It also makes a difference in someone's life. There is no greater joy that comes to a teacher than to know that one has touched the lives of one's students. When I first decided that teaching was the ideal profession for me, it was because I wanted to help many poor kids in my native country, but now I realize it is so much more. A teacher has great power of influence. Being a teacher for more than 14 years now, I've impacted the lives of many students and set them up for a successful future. Their success is contingent upon my ability to teach them effectively. I hope that by being an encouraging influence in the lives of my students, I can help them become the people that they want to be and reach their full potential. With this special calling inside of me, I am truly grateful to be a teacher.
I know that teaching is not something that will be meaningful and fun every day. Sometimes I will have days where I say "I am never going back there again," and other times I will have days where I say, "I will never quit this for the world." The important part is the lasting impact I have on my students. Thus, I need to be able to give the children in my classroom the environment they need to grow into healthy adults in society.
With enthusiasm, patience and innovative efforts, and love of learning and teaching, I've been a happy teacher. If someone asks me now what the most important principles of good teaching are for me, I must say: be enthusiastic about my teaching and committed to the well-being and well-affairs of my students, prepare well for my lesson plan, and always be reflecting about and working on the improvement of my teaching and my students' learning. Overall, teaching makes me in touch with my own desires: a desire to reach my dream, a desire to help young people and a desire to make a difference in someone's life, a generation, and the world.
Dear Teacher of the Year Selection Committee:
I have had the honor of working with Thanh Nguyen for thirteen years. He is a life-long learner, a teacher-leader, a mentor, a reflective practitioner, and an outstanding motivator for all students. When Mr. Nguyen speaks, everyone listens because he is genuine and he speaks from the heart. There is no doubt in my mind that the development and the success of students is his passion. Mr. Nguyen is the type of leader that walks the talk. He preaches the idea of academic excellence, commitment, dedication and grit daily. His commitment to the social emotional well-being of students is contagious. As a principal, I could not ask for more.
Mr. Nguyen is the type of teacher/leader that can meet students where they are and grow them into outstanding young adults by giving them life lessons and words of encouragement. Moreover, he is a dedicated team player and an outstanding leader.
When teachers have a challenging time with the day to day tasks of working with each other or students, he is quick to remind them of their purpose and to simply do their best. Mr. Nguyen has done an outstanding job as the one and only sixth grade team leader. He has readily demonstrated the ability to relate effectively with students, parents, and Carpenter Middle School staff members. Moreover, he rarely says no to any request from a student, a parent, a colleague, or an administrator. He is faithful and dutiful in his service to all. I cannot express enough how Mr. Nguyen is a vital member of the Math department, leadership team and Carpenter community.
If you are looking for the epitome of the ideal educator, Thanh Nguyen is an individual you would do well to consider seriously to represent the district as Secondary Teacher of the Year. If you need additional information, please contact me at 469-752-5010. I would be happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.
Courtney J. Washington, Principal
Carpenter Middle School