• Theatre Arts Coursework

    Plano Independent School District has long had a reputation for quality Theatre Arts Programs. The school district provides opportunities for children from Middle School through Senior High School. The teachers and staff are dedicated to providing a variety of programming which will challenge, improve, and strengthen what the child learns in the Theatre classroom.

    Though entry into the theatre program may occur at any point in the secondary school years, students may begin their study of theatre at the middle school level.

  • Middle School Coursework

  • Theatre 1-Introduction to Theatre

    Theatre 1-Introduction to Theatre

    Students will develop a perception of self, human relationships, and the world using elements of drama and conventions of theatre. With an emphasis on all aspects of theatre study, students will be introduced to basic acting, directing, movement, technical theatre, literature, voice, and design.  Through creative expression, students communicate in a dramatic form, engage in artistic thinking, build positive self-concepts, relate interpersonally, and integrate knowledge with other content areas in a relevant manner. Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions in theatre and the diversity of world cultures as expressed in theatre. Through performance opportunities, technical theatre skills and artistic practices, students learn to accept constructive criticism, revise personal views to promote creative and critical thinking, and develop the ability to appreciate, construct and evaluate live theatre.

  • Theatre 2-Intermediate Theatre

    Theatre 2-Intermediate Theatre

    Students will continue to develop a perception of self, human relationships, and the world using advanced elements of drama and conventions of theatre. With an emphasis on all aspects of theatre study, students will be introduced to basic acting, directing, movement, technical theatre, literature, voice, and design.  Through creative expression, students communicate in a dramatic form, engage in artistic thinking, build positive self-concepts, relate interpersonally, and integrate knowledge with other content areas in a relevant manner. Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions in theatre and the diversity of world cultures as expressed in theatre. Through performance opportunities and artistic practices, students learn to accept constructive criticism, revise personal views to promote creative and critical thinking, and develop the ability to appreciate, construct and evaluate live theatre. 

  • Theatre 2-Technical Theatre

    Theatre 2-Technical Theatre

    Students will continue to develop a perception of self, human relationships, and the world using elements of technical theatre. Through creative expression, students learn to communicate concepts of technical theatre practices through set construction, theatrical lighting, sound system operations, stage and shop safety, stage management and engage in artistic thinking, build positive self-concepts, relate interpersonally, and integrate knowledge with other content areas in a relevant manner. Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions in theatre and the diversity of world cultures as expressed in theatre. Through the pre-production process through concept to performance, students learn to accept constructive criticism, revise personal views to promote creative and critical thinking, and develop the ability to appreciate, construct and evaluate live theatre.

  • Theatre 3-Advanced Technical Theatre

    Theatre 3-Advanced Technical Theatre

    Students will continue to develop a perception of self, human relationships, and the world using elements of technical theatre. Through creative expression, students learn to communicate concepts of technical theatre practices through set construction, theatrical lighting, sound system operations, stage and shop safety, stage management and engage in artistic thinking, build positive self-concepts, relate interpersonally, and integrate knowledge with other content areas in a relevant manner.  Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions in theatre and the diversity of world cultures as expressed in theatre. Through the pre-production process through concept to performance, students learn to accept constructive criticism, revise personal views to promote creative and critical thinking, and develop the ability to appreciate, construct and evaluate live theatre.  

  • Theatre 3-Advanced Theatre

    Theatre 3-Advanced Theatre

    Students will continue to develop a perception of self, human relationships, and the world using advanced elements of drama and conventions of theatre. With an emphasis on all aspects of theatre study, students will be introduced to basic acting, directing, movement, technical theatre, literature, voice, and design.  Through creative expression, students communicate in a dramatic form, engage in artistic thinking, build positive self-concepts, relate interpersonally, and integrate knowledge with other content areas in a relevant manner. Students increase their understanding of heritage and traditions in theatre and the diversity of world cultures as expressed in theatre. Through performance opportunities and artistic practices, students learn to accept constructive criticism, revise personal views to promote creative and critical thinking, and develop the ability to appreciate, construct and evaluate live theatre.

  • High School Coursework

  • Theatre Arts I-II

    Theatre Arts I and II

    Theatre Arts I and II provides the student an overall appreciation of theatre as a performing art as well as an introduction to production skills. It will acquaint the student with the basics of acting and improvisation through voice, body, and sensory explorations. In addition, the course includes instruction in the fundamentals of play production, technical theatre, dramatic literature, and theatre history. The course will heighten each student's awareness and creativity and acquaint each student with theatre as a dynamic experience.

    Theatre Arts I

    This course is an introduction to the high school theatre program. Basic acting techniques, technical theatre, and the fundamentals of play production are taught. The course also includes the training of the speaking voice, the study of stage diction, and an exploration of theatre history. Students will be required to read plays and/or see local productions.

    Theatre Arts II

    This course is for the student who wishes to explore further his/her studies of theatre. It is a continuation of Theatre I, stressing basic production and acting techniques, technical theatre, dramatic literature, and theatre history. Students will be required to read plays and/or see local productions. This course may not be offered at the senior high schools in which case, the student may sign up to take Theatre Arts III.

  • Technical Theatre I-II

    Technical Theatre I-II

    Technical Theatre I-IV offers high school students the opportunity to learn about the many support processes that comprise theatrical performances. Topics include set design, set construction, lighting, sound, properties, costuming, and special effects. Students will study stage management, exploring various forms of leadership skills. Students will be required to attend play rehearsals and serve on production crews outside of class.

    Highly motivated senior high school students may elect to enroll in Theatre Production I-IV , which meets for one hour or a two hour block (this varies on each Senior High campus). Contact your Senior High School Theatre teacher for information regarding auditions. This course is an advanced exploration of theatre. Students will study various acting techniques, technical theatre, play production, voice, acting performance, movement, and drama as literature.

    Technical Theatre I

    Fundamentals of stage design set and property construction, as well as the principles of stage lighting and sound will be taught in this course. Stage production is an integral part of this class. Thus, each student will be required to attend play rehearsals and serve on production crews outside of class. Students will be required to read plays and/or see local productions.

    Technical Theatre II

    These courses are advanced explorations of all areas of technical theatre. Topics will include set design, set construction, lighting, sound, properties, costuming, and special effects. Students will study stage management, exploring various forms of leadership skills.  Students will be required to attend play rehearsals and serve on production crews outside of class.  Students will be required to read plays and/or see local productions. 

  • Theatre Production I-II

    Theatre Production I, Theatre Production II

    These courses may be scheduled as a 2-hour block in a student’s day on some campuses.  Students enrolled in this course will continue their theatrical study for their own enrichment and will explore the relevance of theatre-related activities to everyday living.  Emphasis will be placed on strengthening the individual's self-concept through the study of various acting techniques, technical theatre, play production, voice, acting, performance, movement, and drama as literature.  Students are required to participate in all productions on their campus either as a performer or technician.  A research paper/portfolio will be assigned. Students will be required to read plays and/or see local productions.

  • Senior High School Coursework

  • Theatre Arts I

    The Theatre Arts I course is an introductory study in the high school theatre arts program. Basic acting techniques, technical theatre, literature, terminology, history, voice & diction and the fundamentals of play production are introduced. Students will experience the production process through performance, directing and criticism. Students will be required to read plays and see live theatrical productions.

  • Theatre Arts II-IV

    The Theatre Arts II, III, and IV courses are a continuation of the study of theatre in the high school theatre arts program. An extension of basic acting techniques, technical theatre, literature, terminology, history, voice & diction and play production are examined. Students will further develop the production process through performance, directing and criticism. Students will be required to read plays and see live theatrical productions.

  • Technical Theatre I

    Students in technical theatre will study the fundamentals of stage design, set and property construction, as well as the principles of sound and stage lighting. Theatrical production is an integral part of this class and will require students to participate in the overall construction of campus shows. Each student will be required to attend some play rehearsals and may serve on production crews outside of class. Students will be required to read plays and see live theatrical productions

  • Technical Theatre II-IV

    Students in technical theatre will study the advanced fundamentals of stage design, set and property construction, as well as the principles of sound and stage lighting. Theatrical production is an integral part of this class and will require students to participate in the overall construction of campus shows. Each student will be required to attend some play rehearsals and may serve on production crews outside of class. Students will be required to read plays and see live theatrical productions.

  • Theatre Productions I-IV

    Students enrolled in the Theatre Production courses will deepen their theatrical study with enhanced experiences and will explore the relevance of theatre-related activities in everyday life. An emphasis will be placed on strengthening the individual's selfconcept through the study of various acting techniques, technical theatre, play production, voice & diction, acting, performance, movement, history and literature. Students are required to participate in all productions on their campus either as a performer or technician. A research paper/portfolio will be required and students will be required to read plays and see local live theatrical productions.

  • Musical Theatre I

    Musical Theatre will expose students to a wide range of on-stage performance disciplines, including acting performance, vocal performance, and dance performance. The course will also provide an atmosphere in which students benefit from a teaching and learning experience in these performance disciplines of musical theatre. Students will receive comprehensive and rigorous instruction so that they may make informed choices about the craft, college, and the profession. The course will enhance and cultivate the creative gifts of each student while encouraging a sense of selfconfidence. The course will enable students to study and perform the varied styles of musical theatre with special attention to the principles of stage movement, stage vocal technique, stage choreography, acting, characterization, and other aspects of a musical production.

  • Musical Theatre II

    Musical Theatre II will continue to expose students to a wide range of on-stage performance disciplines, including acting performance, vocal performance, and dance performance. The course will also provide an atmosphere in which students benefit from a teaching and learning experience in these performance disciplines of musical theatre. Students will receive comprehensive and rigorous instruction so that they may make informed choices about the craft, college, and the profession. The course will enhance and cultivate the creative gifts of each student while encouraging a sense of selfconfidence. The course will enable students to study and perform the varied styles of musical theatre with special attention to the principles of stage movement, stage vocal technique, stage choreography, acting, characterization, and other aspects of a musical production.

  • Theatre Productions IV H

  • Theatre Productions III H