• In Motion Dance & Wellness Camp 2024

    The Plano ISD In Motion Dance & Wellness Camp is a three-day summer program that provides an opportunity for dance growth for students enrolled in grades 7-12 (for the 2024-2025 school year) to increase their foundational learning on dancer wellness, health, safety, physical care, and goal-setting. With these foundational elements, classes will be taught by guest artists and current PISD dance educators, providing focused instruction on various styles of dance, with a primary goal of increasing student awareness in the areas of safe movement across techniques. This methodology will engage students in various styles of dance including ballet, jazz, contemporary, musical theatre, world dance, and more. Join us for an excellent learning opportunity, exploring the safety, health and wellness impacts of dance and movement at PISD's In Motion Dance & Wellness Camp 2024!

Summer Dance Intensive 2023
  • General Information

    Dates and Times

    • Monday - Wednesday
    • June 3, 4, 5, 2024
    • 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


    Plano ISD - Robinson Fine Arts Center (All Spaces)


    Fee and Payment

    In Motion Dance & Wellness Camp fees 

    • Registration fee: Free

             With a focus on student health, safety, and wellness, the In Motion Dance & Wellness Camp will be provided at no charge to all student participants. Registration for camp has been limited to the first 150 students enrolled at the link provided. No additional spaces are available beyond the 150 maximum enrollment, due to the availability of summer instructors and spacing/safety at the site. 



    No payment is required for the camp, but it is only available for the first 150 students enrolled.

  • What to Wear

    Preferred class attire:

    • all black,
    • fitted dance or exercise clothing.  

    Shorts may be worn over black tights or leggings.  Ballet and/or jazz shoes are preferred.  

    *Optional dance shoes and footwear:

    • character shoes,
    • tap shoes,
    • athletic shoes.  


    • should be pulled back away from face.