Phone: 469-752-0515


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Elementary Education M.A. School Counseling

Mrs. Sue Johnson

Plano ISD Elementary Counseling

The elementary guidance program in Plano ISD has a focus on academic success, personal and social growth (including personal safety), and career and college information.  A developmental school guidance program includes activities that are organized and implemented by certified school counselors and are based on identified student needs.  The elementary counselors respond to student and family needs with the guidance curriculum, responsive services, individual planning, and system support.  The guidance curriculum components are self-confidence, motivation to achieve, decision-making (including goal-setting, planning, problem-solving skills), interpersonal effectiveness (including social skills), communication skills, cross-cultural effectiveness, and responsible behavior.  Elementary counselors deliver bi-weekly guidance lessons to all students that support and promote the learning process.


Brinker Elementary School Counseling Vision 

The vision of the Brinker Elementary School Counseling Program is to maximize the potential of all students through the use of a comprehensive program that inspires them to achieve academically, cope socially/emotionally, and explore various college/career paths. Our goal is to produce caring, resilient, lifelong learners who have the tools they need to become successful, productive citizens in a diverse and ever-changing world. 


Brinker Elementary School Counseling Mission

The mission of the Brinker Elementary School Counseling Program is to ensure equitable access to a proactive, supportive, and developmentally appropriate program to develop the whole child. By working within the school setting to coordinate and collaborate with staff, families, and community members, we strive to nurture and prepare students to be communicative, respectful, problem-solvers.