Phone: 469-752-6640


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters of Education Mathematics(Grades 4-8) Elementary Self- Contained Language Other Than English- Mandarin Chinese Bilingual/ESL- Mandarin Chinese

Ms. Sha-Li Tsai

Ms. Tsai has been teaching in Plano ISD for over 24 years and has helped open both Boggess and Schell Elementaries. After her husband received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and she received her Masters from Rhode Island College, they moved to Plano. Ms. Tsai has three children. Her oldest and youngest graduated from the University of California, Berkeley. Her second graduated from UT Southwestern Medical School.  In her free time, Ms. Tsai enjoys painting, dancing, and spending time with her family. 

Learning is amazing! 

  • 2nd Grade Schedule 2024-25

    7:30  Arrive at Classroom

    7:40-8:10      Morning Announcements
    8:10- 8:30     Foundational Skills    
    8:30- 8:50    Reading Whole Group  
    8:50- 9:50    Literacy Stations
    9:50-10:10   Writing
    10:10-10:25 Inquiry & Innovation 
    10:25-11:15  Specials
    11:15-11:45   Inquiry & Innovation

    11:45-12:15    Recess

    12:15- 12:45    Lunch

    12:45-1:15  Win

    1:15- 2:15 Math Whole Group Lesson

    2:15- 3:00 Math Stations

    3:00   Pack Up/ Dismissal