• Welcome to Haun Elementary

  • Husky Promise

    When we care about each other and our classroom, we share what we have, listen carefully, help each other learn, work hard and have fun together. We understand that everyone makes mistakes, we stand up for ourselves and others, and when someone asks us to stop, we stop. In our classroom and school we do not stand by when someone is being picked on. We help each other. This is who we are even when no one is watching.

  • School Hours

    7:40 AM to 2:45 PM

    Early Arrival: 7:00 AM (in the Gym)
    Classrooms Open: 7:20 AM
    Tardy Bell Rings: 7:40 AM
    Dismissal: 2:45 PM

  • School Spirit

    Mascot: Husky (named Blizzard)
    Motto: We love, laugh and learn together
    Colors: Red. Navy, and Gold