Mrs. Aime Traynor
Mrs. Traynor grew up in Plano and is a graduate of Plano Senior High School (always a wildcat!). She is a proud graduate of Texas A&M -Commerce and The University of Texas at Dallas. While at UTD, she received a degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She went on to complete her master's degree in Special Education from Texas A&M-Commerce. She is also certified in Early Childhood, General Education (pre-K-1st), Special Education (pre-k-21) and ESL. This is Mrs. Traynors' 26th year of teaching in Plano ISD, and she has loved every minute of it! Her career has included Special Education Resource, Special Education Self-contained, PPCD, and General Education Pre-k teacher. She loves teaching her students to be the very best they can be!
In her spare time, Mrs. Traynor enjoys movies, reading and, most of all, shopping. She is married to her husband, Chris, and they have two children, McKenzie and Ryan. She also has two dogs named Bailey and Winnie. She is very excited about beginning her 26h year as a Pearson Peacock!