• PL Resources

  • PL Calendar Links

    This section includes calendar information documents to bookmark. The PL Team will continue to add calendar resources to this page, as well as distribute them via an SLI/STAFF Update.

  • Sessions in PowerSchool

    If you are looking for specific professional learning sessions, please visit the PowerSchool Calendar.

  • Leadership Profile

    Plano ISD's Leadership Profile consists of nine competencies that leaders at all levels should display. Each competency includes behaviors displayed within each competency, as well as a brief description of the competency.

    In addition to the competencies, the Leadership Profile will also include actions which an effective leader should display.  Actions for specific roles will be available during the 2023-24 school year and will include "look-fors" for many roles, including:

    • Principal
    • Assistant Principal
    • Teacher
    • Instructional Coach
    • Athletic Coaches

  • eBook Library

    The Plano ISD Professional Learning Department provides access to over 100 eBooks on a wide variety of educational topics. All PISD employees can access the eBook library through the PISD Webdesk or directly by clicking here. In addition to accessing the books themselves, our license allows Plano ISD employees to download each chapter as a PDF which can be printed, copied and distributed within the district. Use our eBooks to supplement your professional learning. Contact us if you have any questions.

  • Book Studies

    You may request credit for time spent in a group or individual book study. Hours can be requested according to the activities completed and artifacts submitted in PowerSchool Development. Enter your credit requests as Out-of-District Activity. 

    • Books are accessible through the PISD Library Catalog, though book studies are not limited to these texts. Check out our free eBook catalog here.
    • Upon completion of the book study, each member will need to upload their artifacts or evidence of learning and complete the reflection.

    We offer a menu of options for processing your learning. Hours can be awarded according to the selections made and artifacts submitted in PowerSchool Development. Enter your credit requests as Out-of-District Activity which will be approved by your administrator.

  • Gifted and Talented

    Every teacher who teaches identified gifted and talented students in a core content area is required to complete a one-time 30-hour foundational training on gifted and talented education. After the school year begins, principals will receive a list of teachers on their campus who are in need of the core training. New teachers who are joining us from another district and have previously been trained will be asked to present documentation of that training. Teachers who will need training this year will be contacted by the district Gifted Services Coordinator with more information on accessing this training.
    Each year following the year of your foundational training, teachers will be required to obtain 6 GT Update Hours of professional learning centered on gifted and talented students. Opportunities to obtain these hours can come from campus specialists, PISD Trade Learning Saturdays, or online through third parties. Elementary teachers will receive more details on update hours from your campus specialists, and secondary teachers will receive more information from curriculum coordinators.

    Below are some options for receiving update hours: 

    TEMPO+ Resources

    Plano ISD teachers can access a curated library of resources, including articles and podcast episodes, via TEMPO+ and the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. After reading, viewing, or listening to one of the TEMPO+ resources, teachers can complete the TEMPO+ Reflection. Teachers will submit this reflection document as evidence of learning so that a campus administrator can approve the credit. Teachers will earn one update hour per resource/reflection.
    Instructions for accessing TEMPO+
    • Go to https://tempo.txgifted.org/
    • Click on Join/Login in the top right corner
    • In the District Subscriber Login Box, click forgot password
    • Enter PISD email address in the box and click request password reset.  
    • Create a new password.

    Region 10: Advanced Academics

    Plano ISD is a member of the Region 10 Advanced Academics cooperative, giving you access to a catalog of online and face-to-face opportunities to expand your abilities to meet the needs of GT Learners. You may choose from any of the "Pick 6" Online options to fulfill your GT Update Requirements. There is no access code required; however, you will need to sign up for a Region 10 account with your pisd.edu email. 

    Course progress, certificates, and evaluations are housed within the TAGT and Region 10 systems. You will need to upload your certificate to PowerSchool Develop as an out-of-district activity once the course is completed for these hours to be included in your transcript. 

  • Premium Library Courses

    Plano ISD has moved to a new provider of Premium Library courses in PowerSchool. We are excited to offer 100 new engaging courses aligned with our district learning focus areas. Check out our library of Educational Impact courses!  To locate the courses:

    1. Log into PowerSchool through Webdesk.
    2. Click on Professional Learning>Catalog>Course Catalog.
    3. Under filters, select All Premium Library Courses and apply filters. (Additional search options are available by content, target audience, grade level, topic, or professional standard.)

    educational impact logo

    Educational Impact is the vendor responsible for the Professional Learning Library of self-paced content. There is an integration between Educational Impact and the Plano ISD instance of Professional Learning that allows you to seamlessly access a wide variety of courses to support your needs as an educator.