Sigler Elementary School

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Sigler Elementary School

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

District Announcements

  • 1
    Richardson City Council Celebrates Diversity with Student Contests

    Students who reside in the City of Richardson, or who attend a Plano ISD or a Richardson ISD school located in Richardson, are invited to participate in the City’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest and the Black History Month Art Contest.  Winning entries awarded $200.  Submissions for both contests opened January 1, 2025.  Read more.

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Title I Information

  • Important Title I School Documents 

    Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School-Parent Compact, and Notice of Qualifications are located on the Sigler Title I Page. Hard copies can be found in the Sigler Library in the Title I binder.

    Other Translations

    All documents can be translated into other languages. Please contact the campus front office.

Upcoming Events