• School Day Tips

  • Attendance

    • School doors open at 7:40 A.M.
    • Students who are not in the classroom by 7:55 A.M., will need to check in at the school office before coming to class.
    • For an absence to be excused, parents must send a note to school within three days of return with the reason for the absence explained.
    • Absences due to family vacations will not be excused.
    • If a child is absent four consecutive days, a Family Services worker will contact your family.
  • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    All Head Start students will be assigned a name badge at the beginning of the year. These badges will be coded to assist our staff with dismissal. Students must have the badge attached to their backpack every day. Please make sure it is not removed for any reason.

  • Arrival

    All transportation to Head Start is by individual car, walking, Plano ISD school bus, or daycare buses.

    By Car:

    • Head Start drop-off begins at 7:40 A.M. Children will not be accepted before this time. There is no supervision for children before 7:40 A.M.
    • Parents will get to walk their children to class on the first day of school.
    • Until bus service is established, parents will need to provide transportation to school. Parents will be notified when bus service is established.
    • A carpool lane is available to enter from Janet Way. Beginning the second day of school, Head Start staff will greet children in the carpool lane from 7:40 A.M. until 7:55 A.M. to assist children with getting out of the cars. Parents may just pull through the drive through lane closest to the curb to take advantage of this service. Parents are asked to form only one line and to wait for their turn for staff to help children from the car. Children may only exit a vehicle from the lane closest to the curb.
    • Parents who need to come into the building must park in a legal parking space. Cars parked illegally are subject to ticket or towing.

    By PISD Bus:

    • Parents get to walk their children to class on the first day of school.
    • Head Start drop-off begins at 7:40 A.M. Children will not be accepted before this time. There is no supervision for children before 7:40 A.M.
    • Until bus service is established, parents will need to provide transportation to school. Parents will be notified when bus service is established. 
    • Children must wear their name badge to ride the school bus.
    • Your child will be picked up at their home school (the elementary school in each neighborhood that is assigned for children in grades K – 5) and transported to Head Start. Parents will be given the pick up time for their child’s location. Children should be ready and waiting to meet the bus 10 minutes before it is due to arrive. The bus driver will not wait for students who are late. 
    • Staff members will be stationed in front of Head Start to meet children who come by bus. 

    By Daycare bus:

    • Daycare buses will drop students off at Head Start from 7:40 A.M. to 7:55 A.M. using the drive through lane at the Head Start entrance (1600 Rigsbee).

  • Dismissal


    Children will only be dismissed to authorized adults. Any time there is to be a change in the child’s dismissal routine the parent must send a note to the child’s teacher. Information about who will be picking up the child must be given. The adult picking up the child will be required to show identification.

    By Car:

    • Dismissal will begin at 2:55 P.M. 
    • Parents who will pick up their child through the carpool lane (enter from Janet Way) will be assigned an official carpool tag to be displayed in the car window. It is very important that this tag be used daily. Teachers should provide 2 carpool tags to each family and others as they are requested by the parent. Parents (or adults) who arrive without the carpool tag will be required to come into the Head Start office, show identification, and sign out the child. Children will only be released to authorized adults.
    • Students will be called by walkie-talkie and escorted to their car. Parents are strongly encouraged to stay in their car for the dismissal procedure. Parents who need to come into the building must park in a legal parking space and come in through the Head Start entrance.

    By PISD Bus:

    • A list of children who will be riding each bus will be prepared and updated as needed by the Office Manager.
    • Children will be called to line up in the hall for one bus at a time.
    • Children will be escorted to the front of Head Start to get on their bus.
    • Parents should wait at the home school to pick up their child at least 10 minutes before the designated drop-off time.
    • Parents who pick up their child at the bus stop will be assigned an official carpool tag to be shown to the bus driver. It is very important that this tag be used daily.
    • Parents (or adults) who arrive without the carpool tag will be required to come into the home school office, show identification, and sign out the child. Children will only be released to authorized adults.
    • If there is not an authorized adult present to meet the child, the child will be taken to the office of the home school. Having no one present to meet the child could result in loss of bus privileges. Parents must sign the Plano ISD bus policy to indicate understanding of these guidelines.

    By Daycare Bus: 

    • Daycare buses will begin pickup of students at 2:55 P.M. using the bus lane at the Head Start entrance. A list of students riding each day care bus will be maintained and updated as necessary by an assigned staff member.