Academic Support
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- Wyatt Elementary
- Instructional Support
Campus Instructional Academic Specialist
Section 504 Campus Coordinator
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Facilitator
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's Degree of Science: University of North Texas: Cum Lade
EC-4 Generalist
EC-6 Generalist
EC-6 Science of Teaching Reading
ESL Supplemental
Completed Reading Academy
Direct Phone: 469-752-3865Mrs. Grounds
My name is Mary Lee Grounds. This is my 18th year teaching and my 12th year at Wyatt Elementary.
With my role as the Wyatt Campus Student Support Liaison (Campus Section 504 Coordinator, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Lead Facilitator, and the Accelerated Learning Lead Facilitator), I work with students in kindergarten through 5th grade. I support Wyatt teachers and our campus to positively influence student achievement and assist with curriculum development and design. I also work with our staff to share ideas in planning intervention and enrichment for all curriculum areas. I regularly support staff with student differentiation in the classroom through Student Support Plans (SSPs). At Wyatt, I serve on the MTSS (Multi Tiered Systems of Support) Team and as the Lead Facilitator and the Campus Section 504 Coordinator. For that role, I regularly meet with administration, parents, and teachers to document student interventions, needs, and plan accommodations to meet those needs. Finally, I serve on the Plano ISD Student Support Liaison Training Crew. With that role, I meet with the PISD District SSL teams, support new staff within the district, and assist with writing and developing training.
In my past, I taught at Plano Senior in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, Centennial Elementary (4th grade), and Carlisle Elementary (kindergarten and 2nd grade). At Wyatt I taught kindergarten, second grade, and served as the 4th grade team leader.
I am a true born and raised Texan and the oldest of five! I come from a family of full of educators. My grandmother, mother-in-law, youngest sister, and sister-in-law are/were all in educational careers. I graduated Cum Laude from The University of North Texas. My husband Eric and I have been married a little over 17 years. Eric attended Plano ISD schools from Hughston Elementary to Haggard Middle School to Vines, and finally to Plano Senior High School. My mother-in-law worked for PISD for over 25 years including in the superintendent's office! Our family includes two wonderful girls, Brianna (9th grade) and Brooklyn (5th grade) that attend school in Allen ISD. We also have a full-bred German shepherd, Duke, and a new yellow lab, Paisley, that keep us very busy. When I am not teaching, I enjoy traveling, arts and crafts, decorating/fashion, and swimming. Our family spends A LOT if our free time in sports. Both of my girls are huge volleyball players and my younger daughter and husband participate in Jiu Jitsu, so be sure to say hi if you see us on the courts or on the mat!
I look forward to many more years of teaching the brilliant students at Wyatt!