Phone: (469) 752-8300 VM: 38459


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Celeste Merla

Welcome! Like many Plano ISD teachers, I have the honor of teaching in the school district that taught me during my school-age years. Teaching and working with students has always been a passion and the 20/21 school year marks my sixteenth year educating young minds. While my degree is in psychology, my heart has always been with language. I am drawn to how words are used to communicate ideas, create connections, and grant readers the adventure of living vicariously through the stories we read. Each school year, I aim to inspire the same passion in students in hopes that they can apply this knowledge in wherever their future leads. 

  • 2021/2022: Mrs. Merla's Daily Class Schedule

    1st:  English 1

    2nd: English 1

    3rd:  English 1

    4th: English 1: Honors

    5th: Warrior Time

    6th: Conference

    7th: English 1: Honors

    8th: English 1: Honors

  • Remind: Use the Remind App or text the "@code" below to the phone number 81010

    English 1: @merla1

    English 1/Honors: @merla2h