

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Education with concentration in Bilingual Education from The University of North Texas

Miss Astrid Lopez

Hello, I’m Astrid López!
This will be my very first year teaching at Mendenhall as a 2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher.
I was originally born In Chicago, Illinois. When I moved from Chicago to Texas, I attended Plano ISD schools. I have recently graduated from The University of North Texas with a Bachelor’s of Science in Bilingual Education EC-6. I’m so excited to be a Mendenhall Longhorn and definitely looking forward to this 2024-2025 school year!

Teacher Schedule

  • 2nd Grade DL Schedule
    Time Subject
    8:00-8:30 Foundational Skills Spanish
    8:30-9:00 Reading Whole Group - Tier 1 instruction
    Units 1,3,5 Units 2,4,6
    9:00-10:00 Reading Small Groups
      Group 1 9:00-9:20
    Group 2 9:20-9:40
    Group 3 9:40-10:00
    10:00-10:20 Foundational Skills English
    10:20-10:50 I & I / HWT
    10:55-11:45 Specials
    11:45-12:15 Recess
    12:15-12:45 Lunch
    12:50-1:20 Math Whole Group - Tier 1 instruction
    1:20-2:20 Math Small Groups

      Group 1 1:20-1:40
    Group 2 1:40-2:00
    Group 3 2:00-2:20
    2:20-2:50 Writing Whole Group / Dictado
    Units 1,3,5 Units 2,4,6
    2:50 Dismissal
    Library Guidance
    Week B Week A
    Harris - Monday 10:15-10:45 Harris - Monday 10:15-10:45
    Nguyen - Tuesday 10:15-10:45 Lopez - Tuesday 10:15-10:45
    Lopez - Wednesady 10:15-10:45 Pucci - Wednesday 10:15-10:45
    Pucci - Thursday 10:15-10:45 Week B
    Gomez - Friday 10:15-10:45 Gomez - Monday 2:20-2:50
      Nguyen - Wednesday 2:20-2:50
      Peteterson - Thursday 2:20-2:50