- Mendenhall Elementary
- About Me

Phone: 469-752-2640
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from University of Texas at Dallas
Ms. Cindy Briones - Co-team Lead
Yay! Welcome to Third! My name is Ms. Briones and I am extremely excited to be your child's teacher this year. Third grade is an action-packed year full of immense growth and lots of learning, I cannot wait to see what the year has in store for us!
A little bit about me, I attended Mendenhall Elementary as a student myself, this the place that inspired me to be a teacher and I’m beyond excited to inspire my little ones to find their very own passion in life. I strive to build an environment in my classroom where everyone feels welcome, safe and loved. I just know this is going to be a great year!
PISD Update Page: https://www.pisd.edu/2021planning
Mendenhall SMORE: https://www.smore.com/sym8d (updated 1-2 times/week)
Office Hours: Pre-Arranged by Appointment or between 2:45-3:30 pm
3rd Grade Daily Schedule
7:40-8:00 Announcements & Community Circle
8:00-8:30 Math Whole Group
8:30-9:20 Math Small Group9:20-9:50 I/E
9:50-10:40 Specials
10:40-11:10 Reading Whole Group/ Snack
11:10-12:00 Reading Small Group
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Recess
1:00-1:45 Foundational Skills & Grammar / Writing
1:45-2:35 Science/ Social Studies
2:35-2:40 Pack up & Dismissal