Phone: 469-752-8300 ext-38373


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: From Texas State University - San Marcos B.A in History Minor in Theatre Minor in Honors Studies with Thesis (A Race For Superiority In the English Channel: Naval Theory, Strategy, and Diplomacy, 1870-1914) Certificates: Social Studies Composite 8-12 Special Education EC-12

Mr. Will Smith

My classroom, course information, and resources are available on my google site


All classes will be accessed through google classroom.  

Students will be expected to get to Google classroom and all other school apps through webdesk

  • Office Hour Times:

    My conference period is 7th (2:49-3:37). There are days I am in meetings, but that is potentially a good time to reach out and contact me.  

    I am available by Remind, email, and Google classroom between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM on school days. Outside of those hours, I may not reply. I endeavor to respond within 24 hours during the week. On weekends or holidays, I may not reply until the next school day. 

    I am in room G109A.


    Weekly Tutorial Schedule: 

    I tend to be here in the mornings, but students can also arrange to stay in the afternoons. 

    We also have tutorials built into 5th period on Mondays and Wednesdays. 

    M:  PM 4:30-5:00

    T:  by appointment

    W:  AM 8:30-9:00

    H: On Duty 

    F: by appointment


    For AM tutorials, students must have a note written by a parent or I to leave the warrior center or cafeteria.

    All other times by appointment

  • Class Schedule: 

    1st: Humanities 9th & 10th (co-teach with Mrs. Tipton-Smith)  

    2nd: Humanities 9th & 10th (co-teach with Mrs. Tipton-Smith)  

    3rd: Humanities 9th & 10th (co-teach with Mrs. Tipton-Smith)

    4th: AP World History 

    5th: Study Hall 

    6th: AP European History 

    7th: Social Studies Conference period 

    8th: AP World History