• Mission Statement

    The mission of Jackson Elementary School is to provide a supportive learning environment in order to ensure high levels of learning for ALL students.

  • Office Staff

    2022-23 Jackson Office Staff

Crystal Roach
Principal Elementary
Michelle Hardy
Counselor PreK,1,3,5
Nicole Sollie
Counselor K,2,4
Lorena Shields
Office Manager
Sandra Gonzalez Garcia
Maria Castaneda
Parent Liaison
Teresa Ventura
Site Coordinator - C.I.S.
Jill Wheeler
  • Absences

    If a child is going to be late or absent, parents need to call the Child Safe Line at (469) 752-2100 and choose option #3. This is a 24-hour service. Parents will receive a call if they do not call us and notify the school of the absence. If a student is late to school for any reason, they must go to the office when they arrive at school. The child will sign in and get a tardy pass before going to class.

    When a student has been absent, they must bring a note from home stating the reason for absence. The Child Safe number does not count as a note. If no note is received, the absence will be considered unexcused and the student will be allowed three days to submit a written note excusing the absence. If your child has been to the doctor's office and arrives late, a written doctor's note is necessary to avoid being recorded as tardy or absent.

  • Communication

    Communication Home

    Every Friday, an email message will be sent to the subscribers of the Jackson eNews. Our Jackson eNews includes important information about upcoming events at school. Parents can sign-up and manage their eNews subscriptions using Parent Portal

    School Messenger is the major communication tool utilized at the district and school level to send important emails and phone calls. The email addresses and phone numbers that parents provide on Parent Portal (and the Emergency Information Form) are used for district and school communication.

    If you are not getting phone calls or emails from Plano ISD School Messenger or PISD eNews emails, please log in to your Parent Portal account to check/update your contact information and check the broadcast types that you are subscribed to. If everything is correct and you still are not receiving emails or phone calls, please email parentportal@pisd.edu.

    Jackson teachers also use the Seesaw app to send text messages about current happenings in the classroom or school. Please ask your child's teacher for information on joining the class Seesaw! 

    Communication with Students during the School Day

    School telephones may be used only in case of emergency as determined by the principal or teacher. Except in the case of emergencies, classes will not be interrupted to deliver messages to the students or teachers.

  • Dismissal

    If a student is going home a different way than usual, we must have a note from the parent. If a note is not received, the child will be sent home following the normal routine. If it is necessary to change the after school transportation plans, the note must be received in the office by 2:00 PM. We have limited help in the office and we may not be able to get the message to your child's teacher before dismissal time if we are notified too late. For your safety, we prefer not to accept phone-in changes unless it is an emergency.

  • Emergency Information

    Parents, please notify the office if you change your phone numbers or address. It is very important that we are able to reach a child's parent or guardian should there be an emergency. A student will not be allowed to leave or be picked up by anyone not listed on the emergency card without consent from the parent or guardian.

  • Hours & Attendance

    The building is open for students at 7:00 AM. Elementary classes begin at 7:40 AM and classes are dismissed at 2:55 PM.

    If a student will be late or absent, a parent should call 469-752-2100 before 8:15 AM. If a student is late for any reason, he/she should go to the office immediately upon arriving at school. A late student must sign in and get a pass before going to the classroom. If a student is absent, he/she must bring a note from a parent to school on his/her first day back.

  • Medication Policy

    • ALL medication must be brought to the clinic for administration. Students are not to have medication in their possession.
    • Only medication that cannot be given at home will be given at school.
    • Parents, please send only the number of doses your child will need at school.
    • Send medication in the ORIGINAL container. Prescription medicine must have the student's name and the pharmacy label on the bottle. Please ask the pharmacist to label inhalers when sending asthma medication. medication sent in a plastic bag, foil, etc. will not be given.
    • It is the student's responsibility to come to the clinic at the correct time for medication.
    • A physician's signature is required to keep or administer over-the counter medication for more than 10 days from the original parent request.

  • Safety Tips

    To ensure student safety, the entrance to the school is through the front entrance only. All visitors must ring the buzzer and wait to have the door unlocked. After entering the building, all visitors and volunteers must sign in at the office.

    Teachers will discuss traffic safety, bike safety, fire safety, playground safety, and personal safety with the children within the first two weeks of school.

    Before and after school, parents should cross at the designated crosswalks. After school, students will be walked out the main entrance toward the crosswalk.

    Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, and skates are not allowed at Jackson because we want students to be safe. If children ride their bikes to school, please remember to ride on the sidewalk, and walkers have the right of way. It is always extremely dangerous to ride in the alleys and in the middle of the street.

    If parents bring their child to school and pick them up at the end of the day, they must use the carpool line. Safety Patrol students are in the carpool line to help students in and out of the car safely in the mornings. For student safety, they will not be allowed to meet parents in the parking lots or in the bus lane. Parents may choose to park the car on Jackson Drive and walk to the front of the school to meet their child.

    Please remember that no pets are allowed on school property for the health and safety of our students and parents.