• English as a Second Language (ESL)

  • Megan Hart

  • ESL Program Overview

    Beverly's ESL program and instruction for English language learners finds us continually developing our oral and written English skills. In ESL, we are working on English speaking and listening. We talk, talk, talk. We read, read, read. We write, write, write, and we actively listen to others.

    In speaking, we are developing our BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) so that we can convey our thoughts, ideas, needs, and wants with those around us. This language is what we use in our day-to-day communication at school, on the playground, in the classroom, when talking with friends, and with our peers in a casual setting.

    ESL students also receive instruction with language acquisition strategies which help develop CALP (Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency) or the content / curriculum / objectives of the student's present grade level. Vocabulary, both spoken and that found in reading text, is developed through rich literature, class discussions, pictures, real-life objects and experiences. Words become real to the students after they have meaning ---------and are spoken or read many, many times.

    In reading, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension are parts of this important process. We make predictions, read stories (fiction and non-fiction), have discussions, and then summarize what was read in the text. Our reading skills help us learn about the world around us. We are very proud of our ESL learners and their many accomplishments. It is, indeed, a privilege and a pleasure to teach the precious ESL children here at Beverly.

  • ESL Program Goals

    • Improve their English proficiency
    • Attain high levels of academic achievement in language arts and in content subjects


    Plano ISD's Mission:                    

    The mission of the Plano Independent School District is to provide an excellent education for all students.

    The PISD Bilingual/ESL Program believes that culturally and linguistically diverse students should be provided a consistently high quality education so that students are academically successful and prepared to meet the challenges of a changing world.

    The program:

    • Provides instruction for the English Language Learner in the most appropriate program format in accordance with Texas Education Agency (TEA) guidelines.
    • Provides instruction that reflects the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and PISD curriculum guidelines in all content areas.
    • Promotes acceptance of Bilingual/ESL instruction as an integral part of the whole school program.
    • Promotes understanding and respect for diversity by students, parents, staff and the community.
    • Enhances the student’s self-esteem and promotes a positive school climate.
    • Evaluates results and makes adjustments as warranted to address student learning at both campus and district levels.
    • Supports staff development on cultural and linguistic diversity and second language acquisition strategies/methodologies.
    • Addresses issues relating to staffing and instructional/organizational arrangements.
    • Communicates success of Bilingual/ESL programs to the students, parents, district, and community.
    • Actively promotes parental involvement as an integral part of a student’s education.

  • What is Chapter 89?

    Chapter 89 of the Texas Legal Code protects the rights of all English Language Learners in the state of Texas.  

    Learn more about Chapter 89

  • What can I do to help my child learn English?

    1. Continue speaking/teaching your home language to your child. Studies show that there are numerous benefits to knowing two or more languages. The foundations students learn from their home language will benefit their progress in English.
    2. Allow your child to watch supervised television programs in English with subtitles/captioning. This will help students to hear conversational English, to identify formal and informal uses of the language, and help them learn to identify social cues.

    3. Encourage your child to read books at their reading level often and ask them questions to check their understanding.

    4. Help your child to start their own journal! A little bit of writing every day will help your child's written expression in more ways than one. Encourage them to write a few sentences each day about their feelings, something that happened, or something coming up in the future. This will help your child practice handwriting, sentence forming, sounding out words, confidence building, and emotional health.

    5. Tell your child you love them every day!

  • Resources

    Here are links to resources that are available to you as a parent/guardian of an Emergent Bilingual Student.

    Courtesy of The Department of Education:

    Family Toolkit 

    Newcomer Toolkit

Megan Hart
ESL Specialist