• Office Staff



  • Mission Statement

    Rasor Elementary, with the community, will give us a safe, caring place to learn and reach our dreams.

  • School Daily Schedule

    7:00 a.m. Student dropped off and building entry
    7:40 a.m. Tardy bell

    Regular Lunch Schedule

    11:15AM - 11:45AM Kindergarten
    10:20AM - 10:50AM First Grade
    10:50AM - 11:20AM Second Grade
    11:40AM - 12:10PM Third Grade
    12:10PM - 12:40PM Fourth Grade
    12:40PM - 1:10PM Fifth Grade

    2:55 p.m. Dismissal
    3:30 p.m. Office Closed 

  • Absence Reporting

    If your child must be absent from school, here is the school policy:

    • Call Childsafe - 469.752.2900 and press 3
    • Send a signed note (not an e-mail) of absence explanation within 3 days of your child's return to school.

    Doctor Appointments:

    Your child will be excused for a doctor visit only if you bring a doctor's note when you sign your child in at the office.

  • office staff logo

Leigh Ann Earnhart
Melissa Harris
Assistant Principal
Renee Munoz
Rhonda White-Myles