- Stinson Elementary
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Quick reference to Plano ISD and Stinson procedures.
Regular school attendance is important to educational growth. When a student misses school, comes late, or leaves early they miss important classroom instruction. If a student is going to be late or absent for the day, we ask that you please call the Child Safe Line at 469-752-3400, so we know they are safe. Parents are required to submit absences via their Skyward Family Access account daily (may also be entered in advance) and MUST include an uploaded note from a parent/guardian or doctor’s office. A note is required even if you phone in the absence. App communications (like SeeSaw) are not considered official documents. If a student is out more than five days, an original doctor’s note is required to be uploaded into your Skyward Family Access account. If unable to submit absence or notes via Skyward account please email renae.balistreri@pisd.edu and attach any documents as PDF ONLY. These documents must be submitted within 3 days of the student returning to school, and include the student's name, ID number, reason, and date of absence(s). Not all absences are excusable depending on the reason given.
Please note: Official elementary attendance is recorded at 9:00 AM. (See Policy Guide)
Class begins at 7:40 in the morning and students must be in their seats at this time. The gym is open starting at 7:00 A.M. with teacher supervision. The ideal time to arrive at school is 7:25. This will allow your child enough time to put away belongings and be in their seat when the bell rings.
Students who arrive at school after 7:40 a.m. must have a parent walk them into the office, sign in, and receive a tardy pass to be admitted to class. Remember that habits formed now are hard to break later! (See District Policy book for details.)
Students are dismissed at 3:00 in the afternoon. For your child’s safety, please send a note to school each time you change your child’s dismissal routine. Be sure to also make your child aware of dismissal changes. Any late emergency changes to dismissal routine must be called in to the office no later than 2:00.
Building Security
All doors remain locked during school hours. Building access to visitors and volunteers is through the front door only. You will need to identify yourself and come directly to the office. Until we are able to recognize you, we may ask to see identification. We do this for everyone’s safety. All visitors/volunteers must be scanned through the Raptor System and sign the visitor log book. Please bring your driver’s license with you each time you come.
On their birthday, students may treat the other students with one small, edible treat to be eaten after lunch hours. You may bring one item to be shared per child. Please, no goodie bags/toys/juices. Check with your child’s teacher for the exact number of treats needed for the entire class. Please be aware that some students may have nut allergies.
Bus Safety
Parents must not request their student be delivered to a different bus stop/address or ride a different bus home with another student. If parents cannot meet the bus, arrangements should be made to have another adult meet your student at their regular stop. Non-bus riders cannot go home with friends that ride the bus without permission from the Transportation Department. Kindergarten and First grade students must always have their bus tags attached to their backpack. Only parents, guardians, or siblings with their transportation issued cards can pick up a kindergarten or first grade student.
The school kitchen prepares hot lunches daily. Lunch is $2.85 for students and $5.00 for adults. A variety of choices are available each day. Snacks and other items can be purchased a la carte. Please do not send canned or bottled soft drinks to school. Lunch menus are available online at School Cafe.
There will be special times when you or a family member will want to come for lunch. A special guest table is available in the hall outside the cafeteria when family members wish to eat with a student. No parents/visitors are allowed to come for lunch during the first two weeks of the school year.
School Cafe If sending money to school, please make sure the student’s name and ID# are on an envelope although we encourage you to deposit directly to your School Cafe account.
Stinson cafe manager, 469-752-3408
Carpool - Traffic/Safety
These procedures are in place for the safety of our students. Please follow traffic procedures when picking up and dropping off your student(s).
No unattended cars in drives.
Use the nearest crosswalk. Please do not cut between cars.
Obey all posted traffic signs.
Do not wait for your students in no parking zones or other areas such as handicapped spaces (if not eligible)
Morning drop is at both the front and west doors. Afternoon carpool is through the front entrance only.
The Stinson PTA produces two different newsletters, the weekly Star-to-Star eNews newsletter and a weekly Thursday Edition take home packet. In addition, the Stinson administration sends a monthly parent newsletter via SeeSaw. These newsletters contain important and timely information about curriculum, activities, and events. Stinson social media is another way to stay connected to the school @StinsonStars
Day Care
If your child will not ride the daycare bus after school on a particular day, then please call the daycare and send a note to your student’s teacher regarding the alternative way home.
“Deliveries” after 7:40 AM
Bring items for students/teachers-glasses, jackets, lunch money, etc. to the designated bins outside the office. Please make sure the child’s name, grade, and teacher are on all items.
Dress Code
Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not be a health or safety hazard to them-selves or others. The District prohibits any clothing or grooming that in the principal’s judgment may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interference with normal school operations.
The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that:
Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene.
Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other substance prohibited under FNCF(LE-GAL).
Homework is an effective way to reinforce skills covered in class. Homework is assigned as needed by individual teachers. There may also be other special assignments during the year. Please feel free to call your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding homework.
The student’s responsibility is to complete assignments on time. Parents can help by ensuring that their child does the homework assigned each day.
Lost and Found
Please label all articles of clothing, lunch boxes, backpacks and water bottles that your child brings to school. Numerous articles are “lost” throughout the school year. These items will be donated at the end of each semester, so have your child check their grade level if an item is missing.
Lunch/Recess/Specials Schedules
Note: AMPEd = Art, Music, and PE classes (required each week)
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, he/she may do so under the following conditions:
All medication must be accompanied by a written request from the parent/guardian via the pink medication form (obtained through the office) with explicit instructions for administering the medication. All medicines should come directly to the nurse’s office. Notes with medicine are not to be sent to the teacher or sent in the student’s backpack. An adult needs to bring the medicine into the Nurse directly. Please indicate if the medication is to be refrigerated.
All prescription medication must be in the original container and have the pharmacist’s label bearing the child’s name, correct dose, and directions. All non-prescription medication must also be in the original container. For further details, please refer to the Student Parent Policy Guide – health services section.
PASAR is an after school care program for students enrolled in Plano ISD in grades kindergarten through fifth grade, sponsored by the Plano Independent School District. PASAR may be held on your elementary campus depending on staffing. PASAR is a fee-based program and is not District funded. Visit their website at www.pisd.edu/pasar for the complete Financial PASAR Handbook and PASAR Program Parent Handbook, registration packet, and tuition pricing. Phone: 469-752-8915.
Registration will be online: pisd.ce.eleyo.com
Parent-Teacher Conferences
We invite all parents to meet with their child’s teacher from time to time. We encourage parents to closely examine papers and progress reports that go home and call the school to schedule a conference if there are concerns. Teachers cannot conference during class time but will be glad to set up an appointment to discuss a child’s progress at school.
Progress Reporting
***Portfolios – K- 2
Teachers maintain a collection of assessments and work samples. Conferences with parents to discuss portfolio contents and student progress will be held throughout the year, with the first being in Oct/Nov
***Report Cards – Grades 3 – 5
Students receive report cards with numerical grades each nine-week period. Teachers will notify you at the end of the first four weeks if your child is in danger of failing a subject (below 70%).
Students are supervised on the playground areas by school personnel. For safety and security reasons, parents, guests, and siblings may not join students at recess. Students will play outside as long as the temperature plus heat index are below 95 degrees (and there is no Heat Alert, Red Ozone Alert, or Orange Ozone Alert) and as long as the actual temperature or wind chill is 32 degrees or greater. Please make sure and send your student with appropriate labeled clothing (coats, jackets, hats, gloves, scarfs) to play outside.
Student Check-Out
When you need to check-out a student prior to 3:00 PM, come into the office. We will get your child while you sign him/her out. (You must come into the building to get your child and show your photo ID.)
Visitors and Volunteers
All volunteers must complete a yearly application through VOLY. Visitors must sign-in and sign-out in the front office during school hours. You will need to have your license with you at all times.
Students may have water bottles (labeled with their name) on their desks with water in them. Students may bring nutritious snacks such as pretzels, crackers, or fruit. Please do not send items such as chips, cookies, candy, etc. as a snack.