

Degrees and Certifications:

Kathryn Marlar

A life-long learner, I am certified to teach ESL for grades 2-12, English and mathematics in grades 7-12, and as a generalist for grades 6-8. My students inspire me, make me laugh, and more often than not, it is from them I learn many life lessons! ESL English, mathematics, reading and social studies are the subjects I teach, but overall, my objective is to motivate, encourage, and help my students learn English so they can be productive participants in our society.  I want my students to be enthusiastic, goal-oriented, and have a positive mind-set.  I always encourage them to work hard and never give up, no matter how difficult the task.

  • Schedule

    1st Period: Mixed grades ESL English

    2nd Period: Mixed grades ESL Reading

    3rd Period:  6th grade Science Inclusion

    4th Period: Mixed grades ESL Math

    5th Period: Mixed grades ESL Study Skills

    6th Period: Planning

    7th Period: Mixed grades ESL Social Studies and History

    8th Period: Planning

  • Tutorial Schedule

    Monday - Friday:

    • 7:50 - 8:20 am