- Mitchell Elementary
- About Me

Phone: 469-752-2828
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees: Stephen F. Austin State University Bachelors of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Certifications: Certified grades 1-8 Specialization in Reading and English ESL Supplement
Ms. Susan Soledade
Teaching History: All of my teaching experience has been in Plano ISD. This will be my 24th year in education. I have taught at Thomas Elem, Huffman Elem, and this will be my first year at Mitchell.
Family: Married to Brandon Cumby, and have one adorable Mastidoodle named Annie. Interests/Hobbies Outside of School: BEACH, reading, shopping online, furniture and decorating.
What does an Instructional Coach do? Coaches help with planning of instruction, collaborate with grade level teams, analyze student data, and pull small groups of students for intervention.