Grade Levels
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- Gulledge Elementary
- Second Grade
Second Grade
Second Grade Curriculum
Integrated Curriculum
The second grade Integrated Curriculum Overarching Concepts/Organizing Ideas are organized around the theme, Second Grade Keeps an Eye on the World. There are six Integrated Curriculum units studied each six weeks. These are:
- 1.Systems "How Do We Connect in Our World?"
- 2.Balance and Stability "Where is Harmony in Our World?"
- 3.Diversity "How Are We Alike and Different in Our World?"
- 4.Continuity & Change "What Impacts Our World?"
- 5.Interactions "How Are Communities Interdependent in Our World?"
- 6.Communication "What Does Evidence tell Us About Our World?"
Students are assessed on a regular basis to determine their appropriate instructional and independent reading level. Some concepts studied include: sequencing, cause/effect, reality/fantasy, classifying information, making predictions, drawing conclusions, main idea/details, oral summaries, written directions, parts of a book, alphabetizing, setting, and characterization.
Language and composition writing
Students will have experiences in using the following: prewriting, drafting, writing personal experience stories, writing friendly letters, describing pictures, recording observations, writing informal responses to literature, describing characters, describing settings, predicting story endings or the next chapter, writing new story endings or additions to stories, writing poetry, creating characters, creating settings, joining related sentences in a paragraph, writing single paragraph papers, writing topic sentences, using action words, adding descriptive adjectives, use inventive and standard spelling where appropriate, apostrophes in contractions, writing noun forms both singular and plural, and writing regular verbs, proofreading, and some revision. All students are welcome to submit a story for publishing in the Gator Press at anytime throughout the year.
Second graders are responsible for learning addition facts to18. They should be able to do the subtraction facts from the same "family" (for example 6 + 7 = 13 OR 13 - 7 = 6 ). By the end of the year, they should be able to give a correct response to these facts within 3 seconds. Other math concepts include the following: explain and write how you got an answer, rule out irrelevant information in story problems, problem solving, comparing whole numbers to 1,000, doubles, doubles plus one, adding tens, patterns, place value, comparing numbers, odd and even numbers, fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6), counting money, addition and subtraction with and without regrouping, writing number sentences, missing addends, addition problems with 2 and 3 digit numbers, estimating length, height using standard and non-standard measurement, weight (lb.) and mass (kg.), telling time (5 minutes, 1/4 hour, 1/2 hour, hour) on a traditional and digital clock, calendar, geometric shapes, congruent shapes and symmetry.