• Third Grade

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  • Integrated Curriculum

    Integrated Curriculum combines science and social studies and encompasses all content areas to provide children with hands-on discovery learning. Below are the six Integrated Curriculum units studied in third grade:

    • Continuity and Change - A Matter of Time Students focus on Plano History and map skills in this study of continuity and change in our world. They learn about matter as well as home, school, travel, and fire safety. The unit culminates with a trip to Heritage Farmstead.
    • Interactions - Seeking Reasonable Solutions Students focus on animal life cycles, health and illness, and simple machines. The unit culminates with a student-created Fair Day. The fair includes animal exhibits as well as a midway comprised of games made by students.
    • Diversity - Proud to be an American Students focus on diversity of our country and also learn about different parts of the world. They also study magnetism, safety, and electricity.
    • Systems - Where Would We Be Without Systems? Students focus on the components and functions of various systems such as transportation, local government, electricity, and money.
    • Communication - The Fine Arts of Sharing Students focus on communication and the concepts of light and sound. The unit culminates with student-written poetry describing a color using all five senses.
    • Balance and Stability - Drawing Upon Our Resources Students focus on the environment, natural resources, the food pyramid, and Earth Day activities. They also look at economics and geography as they study their community as a resource and seek to balance their daily activities.

  • Math

    In math third grade focuses on problem solving, addition,subtraction, multiplication, division, and estimation skills.

  • Language Arts

    In language arts we introduce and review several types of writing including the how to, compare and contrast, narrative, and persuasive. Students become very familiar with the writing process and correct grammar.

    To become familiar with vocabulary that is presented in third grade, you may click the link below.

    Language Arts/Reading Vocabulary