• Fourth Grade

  • 4th grade team

  • fourth grad logo

  • Integrated Curriculum

    To make learning more relevant for students, related concepts from Science, Social Studies, and Health are taught within the same unit so that connections can be made. Texas and Texas history is a primary focus throughout the year in the fourth grade curriculum.

  • Language Arts

    The Language Arts program includes reading, supplemented with novels, the writing process, and grammar. The students learn different types of writing focusing on six traits: Ideas and content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions. In order to master these writing skills, the students will be instructed to use graphic organizers, peer and self-editing, and revising. Elaboration strategies that include alliteration, idioms, similes, metaphor, dialogue, personal examples, adverbs and adjectives are taught throughout the year.

  • Math

    The primary focus in the math program is problem solving and problem solving strategies building on skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and geometry.