Mr Christopher Sayen, Librarian
Hello! I'm Mr. Sayen, A.K.A. The Library Dude. I've been in Plano for the past two years and in Texas for the past thirteen. While I'm not married, I do have an amazing son who is about to graduate from Plano Senior West High School. I earned my teaching degree from The University of North Texas and my master's in media library sciences from Texas Women's University. Before becoming a librarian, I was an 8th grade English teacher in Garland (with one random Principles of Engineering Class as well) and before that I taught 3rd Grade in Allen ISD. My dream is for the library to be a place that every student feels welcomed, safe, and loved. A place that students can discover their passions, learn to grow them, and then use them in the real world.
Degrees and Certifications:
BSIS- Elementary Education, University of North Texas
MS- Library Media Sciences, Texas Women's University
English Language Arts and Reading Grades 4-8
English Language Arts and Reading/Social Studies Grades 4-8
English as a Second Language Generalist Grades EC-6
Gifted and Talented Supplemental Grades EC-8
School Librarian Grades EC-12