• Technology


  • Welcome to the Huffman's technology website! My name is Kenny Hua and I am the Campus Technology Assistant here at Huffman Elementary. In addition to being in charge of the technology on campus, I also perform password resets and assist all students and teachers with implementing ever-growing technology in our curriculum. My office is located in Library, room # H101. 

  • Great Resources for Students and Parents

  • Webdesk

    Plano ISD Webdesk - This is your 1-click access to all your programs.  Sign in one time and access all of your PISD applications and your H-drive! 

  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom- Every student in the district has a Google account. With this account, they are able to access a wealth of productivity tools, including a cloud-based word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation program. They also have a "drive" that allows them to store and transport files between school and home.

  • Parent Portal

    Parent Portal - In addition to providing direct access to grades and attendance information for your student, the Parent Portal gives you direct access into your child's classroom information, registration to your child's campus eNews, district-wide information, and links to other often used services.


    COPPA - As you find apps and websites that best fit your learning objectives, keep in mind that some of these require students to create their own accounts. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires any child under age 13 to have parental consent before creating accounts on certain sites and "prohibits the operator of a website or online service directed at children under 13 from collecting personal information from a child..." (15 U.S.C. sections 6501-6506, and Federal Trade Commission rules, 16 C.F.R. Part 312).