- Hickey Elementary
- Total Eclipse 2024
Total Eclipse at Hickey - 2024
Hickey Elementary School - 2024
Once in a Lifetime!
This year we were lucky enough to experience a total lunar eclipse at Hickey Elementary. There are several factors involved in making this happen. First the moon must pass in front of the sun during the day to be visible. But aren't there different types of Solar eclipses? YES! The main two are annular and total in that order of rarity as well. The last is a hybrid eclipse which is the rarest of all.
What makes a annular eclipse different than a total eclipse? In an annular eclipse the moon is closer to its farthest distance away from the earth. This means that the moon appears "smaller" to our eyes due to perspective. During these eclipses the moon will pass in front of the sun only partially blocking it from view due to this size difference. You can see a fiery ring around the moon. On the other hand during a total eclipse the moon is closer to its nearest distance to the earth making it appear as much as 13% bigger. During these types of eclipses the moon will visually completely block the sun leaving only the glowing light coming from around it called a solar corona.
Hickey Elementary School

Address: 4100 Coldwater Creek Ln, Plano, TX 75074
Phone: (469) 752-4100
District: Plano Independent School District
The Numbers
When will it happen in Texas next?
How long did the whole event last?
How long did totality last?
Next Total Solar Eclipse in the US
Next Total Lunar Eclipse in US
Places to see the Next Total Solar Eclipse 2044
Number of Times we were able to see a
total solar eclipse in Texas in our lives.











"Post-Totality Penumbra"

"Post-Totality Penumbra"

"Post-Totality Penumbra"

"Post-Totality Penumbra"

"Do you see it?"

"Our Future is So Bright we gotta wear Shades!"

"Looking towards the skies."

"Experience like no other."

"Here's looking at you."

"5th Grade teachers ready for the show."

"An amazing show!"

"2nd Grade Ready for the Show"

"A moment to share."