• Genius Hour Information for Parents

    What is Genius Hour?

    Genius Hour is a 60-minute block of time on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where students are allowed to eat lunch, attend tutorials, attend club or organization meetings, be active, or participate in other self-selected student activities. Students must eat in one of the two 30-minute sessions, and may attend their choice of self-selected activities in the other.  On Monday during their regular Advisory class period, the students are asked to fill out a “Plan Your Time” form selecting the activity they want to participate in, and the advisory teacher must sign-off on his or her selection. The Genius Hour schedule provides meaningful opportunities for time management, self-advocacy, and extracurricular activities. At any time, we may choose to return to our traditional bell schedule if we feel students are not acting responsibly during Genius Hour.


    Click on the following links to view or print these documents:

    Wilson Bell Schedule     Genius Hour Options      Plan Your Time forms