• Second Grade

    Welcome to Second Grade!  We are proud to be a part of the Bethany Bunch.  Each grade level has its own unique mascot.  In second grade, we are the Brontosauruses.  Please take a few minutes to learn about the ins and outs of second grade by clicking on each tab below.  


  • Assessments and Conferences

    Student Assessment

    Students are assessed both formally and informally throughout the year.  In addition to daily assessments through teacher observation and student work, there are also three times a year where students are evaluated using nationally normed assessment.  These assessments will occur in August, January/December, and May and include testing with MAP, Amplify, and Individual Literacy tests.

    Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Parent-teacher conferences  are held three times a year in October, February and May.  During these conferences, we will review your child’s growth using a portfolio report.  Report Cards will begin in second grade.

    Parents may also request additional conferences on an as-needed basis.

  • Daily Schedule

    7:25 - Arrive in Class

    7:40 - 8:00- Morning Meeting

    8:00 - 9:30- Math

    9:30 - 11:30 - Reading & Writing

    11:30 - 12:00 - Lunch

    12:00 - 12:30 - Recess

    12:30 - 12:55 - Individualized Learning

    12:55 - 1:45 - Specials

    1:45 - 2:50 - Inquiry and Innovations

    2:50 - 2:55 - Cleanup

    2:55 - Dismissal

    Pick-Up/Dismissal:  Inform the teacher of any changes.  If you have an emergency change, please contact the front office.  Teachers do not always see emails before dismissal.

    •             *Car Riders - please stay in your car to pick-up students in the front circle drive
    •             *Daycare - Side Gym doors
    •             *PASAR - Cafeteria
    •             *Walkers - back of the school through the second grade door

  • General Information

    Home/School Connection:  

    • *We love to stay connected with our families.  Please reach out at any time!  We will get back to you within 24 hours.  
    • *Weekly, via e-mail, you will receive a Second Grade Newsletter as well as a Bethany Newsletter.  
    • *Other forms of communication will include PTA Newsletter, School Phone Masters, Marquee Messages.  
    • *You can also join Twitter: @The Bethany Bunch and Facebook: @WeAreBethany Elementary

    Lunch:  Students may bring their lunch or buy lunch from the cafeteria. Each student will have a lunch code (student ID #). We encourage parents to put money in their children's lunch account. Parents are welcome to come and eat lunch in the PTA room most days. 

    Random Acts of Kindness: We love to support our students as they make a difference in our community.  Please send or e-mail pictures of your child performing acts of kindness to add to our wall!

    Recess: If the "heat index/feels like" temperature is above 95 degrees or below 32 degrees, precipitation is falling, or the air quality is orange or red we will remain inside.

    Snacks: Please provide your child with a healthy daily snack.  Great choices include fruit, vegetables, crackers, dry cereal, and granola bars.  

    WaterBottles: Please provide a spill-proof top water bottle each day for your child.

  • Inquiry and Innovation

    Inquiry and Innovation combine science and social studies concepts in a meaningful way for students.  Students will learn about the following this school year:

            • Engineering
            • Maps - City, State, Country, Continent
            • Landmarks
            • Government & Voting
            • Citizenship & Cultures
            • Historical Heroes
            • Producers & Consumers
            • Financial Literacy
            • States of Matter  - Solid, Liquid, & Gas
            • Magnetism
            • Force & Motion
            • Animals - Adaptation, life cycles, basic needs, food chains 
            • Plants - Basic needs, life cycles
            • Water - Saltwater vs Freshwater
            • Landforms & Bodies of Water

  • Literacy


    This year in reading, students will be working on the following concepts:

          • Elements of Multiple Genres
          • Author’s Purpose
          • Point of View
          • Setting and Characterization
          • Sequencing
          • Main idea and Details
          • Cause/Effect
          • Making Predictions and Inferencing
          • Drawing Conclusions 
          • Summarization
          • Figurative Language


    Students make great progress in writing during second grade.  We will focus on the following types of writing during this school year.

          • Imaginative stories
          • Informational articles
          • Correspondence letters
          • Poetry


    Students interact and learn about grammar through authentic writing experiences and literature.

  • Math


    Our mathematics program is designed to support students as they make sense of mathematics and learn that they can become mathematical thinkers. Students will be asked to explain their thinking when solving problems and communicate their mathematical thinking verbally and in written format. Technology will be incorporated at all levels where appropriate. Instruction will take place in small and large groups and differentiation will be provided to reach all levels of learners. The students will have experiences that relate to mathematics in the real world using a variety of concrete materials and mathematical tools. Our units of study will focus on the following concepts:

            • Addition and Subtraction to 20 with automaticity (by November)
            • Addition and Subtraction with regrouping through 1,200
            • Number Patterns
            • Understanding Time
            • Money - Adding and Subtracting
            • Geometry
            • Fractions
            • Measurement: estimating and measuring
            • Data Analysis
            • Multiplication/Division
            • Personal Financial Literacy

  • Nightly Reading

    Second graders are transitioning from” learning to read” to “reading to learn”.  To help them continue to grow in their reading, it is important to have a nightly reading routine.  This routine might include:

          • Child reading to him/herself
          • Child reads to siblings
          • Child can read aloud to Adult
          • Family read aloud to child

    Thanks for taking time each day to encourage your child to read at home.

  • Birthday Celebrations

    We LOVE to celebrate your child’s birthday!  If you would like to bring a special treat for your child’s birthday celebration, please contact his or her teacher to schedule the celebration before the day you would like to celebrate your child's birthday.  If you choose to provide treats for your child's birthday, please ensure that they are individually wrapped.  If a birthday falls over a weekend or school break,we can celebrate before or after their actual birthday.  If your child has a summer birthday, we encourage you to celebrate it in May if you so choose.  If you choose to send a treat, please send napkins also.  You do not need to send drinks or goodie bags.

  • Grade Level Volunteers

    All parents should fill out the PTA volunteer form found at Bethanypta.org and register to volunteer through the Plano ISD website https://plano.voly.org/. To learn more about the registration process to become a volunteer, please go to the Plano ISD Volunteering and Partnering Website by clicking on this link. For the safety of our children, only those who have been vetted through Voly.Org will be able to enjoy volunteer opportunities. There are many ways you can volunteer here at Bethany.  We always appreciate classroom helpers/mentors, material helpers, field trip volunteers and PTA sponsored party planners/home room parents. You can read in the classroom, take things home, or volunteer in other areas of the building. One of the second grade teachers or a PTA volunteer will contact you about these opportunities once you have signed up and the volunteer registration has been completed.


Audrey Doyle-Anderson
2nd Grade