Grade Levels
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- Bethany Elementary
- Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade
Welcome to Bethany Elementary, where every grade level mascot starts with the letter "B". In fourth grade you will be a proud Bethany Bulldog! Please take a few moments to learn more about our program by clicking on the tabs below.
General Information
Snack / Water Bottles
Students will have snack time everyday from 9:40 am - 10:00 am.
Students need to bring a snack from home. Students may not share their snacks with others.
Snacks should be a simple, healthy, DRY snack that is easy to open.
If there are nut allergies in your child's class,we will limit the snack choices to NON-NUT options. That will be handled on a year-to-year basis.
We recommend your child bring a water bottle to class. Their name should be marked clearly on the water bottle. Please use a plastic refillable small-mouthed/straw lid bottle to help prevent spills. Students are only allowed to drink water in the classroom.
Fourth grade eats lunch in the cafeteria from 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm.
Students may bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from the cafeteria. Vegetarian options are available every day.
Students will need to have money in their account to purchase snacks or extras.
Please keep money in your child’s account.
Students are not allowed to share food with others during lunch. This includes pre-packaged items.
Fourth grade recess occurs daily from 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm.
We follow PISD Weather Guidelines for outdoor recess.
Students may wear hats for sun protection during the warmer months.
Students are encouraged to wear hats, gloves,scarves, and jackets when the weather gets colder.
Students have opportunities to play soccer, basketball, four square, playground, or just relax with friends under the pavilion.
Field Trips
Fourth grade participates in two field trips a year.
Holifield Science Learning Center - This is part of our science curriculum. We explore habitats, animal behaviors, and hike the trails.
Symphony Field Trip - All fourth grade students in Plano ISD attend a concert performed by the Plano Symphony as part of the music curriculum.
Projects, written assignments, journals, daily assignments etc in each content area
District Unit Assessments for each content area
District Assessments (MAP - Measures of Academic Progress)
State Assessments (STAAR - math and reading)
Literacy is taught during a 90 minute block.
The literacy class includes instruction in reading, writing, and grammar.
Students go to the library once a week for 30 minutes. This includes a lesson and book check out.
Reading - students interact with a variety of texts in whole group, small group, book clubs, and independent reading.
Writing - students will write imaginative stories, informational articles, correspondence letters of request, poems, and argumentative essays.
Grammar - students interact and learn about grammar through mentor sentences and authentic writing experiences.
Math is taught during a 90 minute block.
Students interact with math during Number Talks, spiral reviews, whole group lessons, independent work, small group instruction, and stations.
Math manipulatives are utilized on a daily basis to show understanding.
Units of Study: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction; Multiplication and Division; Algebraic Reasoning; Fractions; Data Analysis; Measurement; Lines, Angles, and Shapes; and Financial Literacy
Science is taught daily for 60 minutes.
Students interact with science concepts through information text, videos, and lab experiences. Students will extend their learning by visiting the Holifield Science Learning Center.
Units of Study: Introduction to Science; Organisms and Environments; Matter, Force, and Motion; Weather and Water; Electricity; Earth’s Surface and Resources; and Space
Social Studies
Social Studies is taught daily for 40 minutes.
Fourth Grade Socials Studies covers Texas History.
Students explore Texas’ rich history through journals, virtual field trips, literary texts, and videos.
Units of Study: The Great State of Texas; Exploration and Colonization; The Revolution and the Republic of Texas; Challenges of Texas; Becoming 20th Century Texas; and 21st Century Texas
Grade Level Volunteers
All parents should fill out the PTA volunteer form found at and register to volunteer through the Plano ISD website To learn more about the registration process to become a volunteer, please go to the Plano ISD Volunteering and Partnering Website by clicking on this link. For the safety of our children, only those who have been vetted through Voly.Org will be able to enjoy volunteer opportunities. There are many ways you can volunteer here at Bethany. We always appreciate classroom helpers/mentors, material helpers, field trip volunteers and PTA sponsored party planners/home room parents. You can read in the classroom, take things home, or volunteer in other areas of the building. One of the fourth grade teachers or a PTA volunteer will contact you about these opportunities once you have signed up and the volunteer registration has been completed.