Third Grade

Third Grade
  • Third graders are delightful! They never fail to amaze, amuse and surprise us: young enough to be in various stages of losing and gaining their teeth, but old enough to be wise to all the levels of the most sophisticated video games. They are bundles of contradictions, arguing all recess over the rules of a game, and then having no time to play it! Rough and tumble one minute, sensitive and heartbroken the next, third graders are so full of life! We enjoy helping them along in this stage of their growth.

    This is a transition year, moving from the primary to the intermediate level. The print in the texts gets smaller while the responsibilities become greater! Guiding students through the challenges they face and helping them realize their talents is a job we embrace. Our goal as teachers is one of seeing happy third graders having the best year ever!

Brian Gonzales
3rd Grade
Riley Thompson
3rd Grade
Andrew Vallejo
3rd Grade
  • Third Grade Team