• Dyslexia and Related Disorders: Information for Parents

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  • Texas Driving with a Disability

    As required by Texas Education Code §29.0113, Texas public schools must provide information about the options available through the Texas Driving with Disability initiative to students who:

    • have a health condition or disability that may impede effective communication; and receive special education services; or

    • are covered by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 

    This information must be provided annually to each student who is 16 years of age until graduation or their 21st birthday. The information about Texas Driving with Disability must also be provided to the parents or guardians of eligible students.

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

  • OSEP Compensatory Services Notification

    TEA developed a document to assist parents whose children may have been previously delayed or denied an evaluation under IDEA in requesting compensatory services for their child. 

    • OSEP (Office of Special Education Programs) Compensatory Services Notification Requirement: English / Español